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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
Aquarius Sun/Aries Moon
Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon
Aquarius Sun/Gemini Moon
Aquarius Sun/Cancer Moon
Aquarius Sun/Leo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Virgo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Libra Moon
Aquarius Sun/Scorpio Moon
Aquarius Sun/Sagittarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Sun/Aquarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Pisces Moon
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This combination of Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio produces an individual that appeals to others, but one that lives strictly by their own laws. You take yourself seriously, conjuring up the image of a wise, profound, and meaningful person. To live up to this private picture in reality is a lifetime journey; for you are your own alleged angel; your spirit often stands aloof from the antics of your body, criticizing often, approving sometimes, always desiring your own way. Even with such stubborn desires, you’re a highly determined leader. You have a good deal of ambition and enterprise which makes you very forceful when it comes to getting things done in business. The intensity of your personality and the determination to achieve personal success keeps you constantly on the go. Sitting still for long periods of time is very difficult ,not so much physically but mentally. Your restless, driving nature can have damaging effects on your health, so it would be wise to learn to relax and unwind. Your positive qualities are great depth and fearlessness in confronting your own emotions and others. You have great motivation and perseverance in improving self and you are able and willing to stick with relationships in times of crisis. You always seem to offer insight into any situation; a natural psychologist.
Energy for this combination is highly fixed, blending the independence and originality of Sun in Aquarius with the emotional force and will power of Moon in Scorpio. You command a lot of respect, but more importantly, you have a healthy self-respect, as well. Actually, there is nothing superficial in your nature, and there is little that you cannot accomplish when you put your mind to it. Persistence and courage light your way to success for sure. Your personality is very strong, and you possess tremendous powers for good or for constructiveness if you can only keep your emotional impulses under mental control. Don’t take yourself so seriously all the time. Learn to laugh at yourself, and refrain from being to rigid and controlling. In love you look for someone who is very self-confident. You also enjoy a partner who finds pleasure in food, drink, and daily adventures. You love trying new things with your partner and you need someone who can mellow you out at the right time! Your so impulsive and intensely emotional. You don’t normally share your feelings, for people in your family or early environment may have used them against you. The right energy for you will allow you to release these negative experiences and help you embrace a more comfortable attitude towards love/intimacy! Sex is Moon in Scorpio’s Achilles heel, so their partners must bring the heat and make it spicy!
Astrological Inspiration:
You must overcome tendencies toward seeking revenge and learn to be more considerate of others. You have to acknowledge your dark shadows and resurrect your Higher Self. No need to always fight for the upper hand. Just allow life to flow and soul growth will occur as you overcome tendencies to engage in ego battles with those around you.
Famous Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio:

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