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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"


Capricorn energy is the tenth sign of the tropical zodiac. The sign of Capricorn is one of cardinal action which needs to be presented with challenges in order to feel onward success. Capricorn, the goatfish, is naturally cautious and reserved. Honor, reputation and prestige are keywords for the accomplished Capricorn to relate to. They may not always play by the rules, but they sure as hell know what the rules are. On the outside is a cool, calm, reserved individual with powerful inner strength. Capricorn possesses the innate ability to rise to the top with unwavering conviction and sheer perseverance. They are rather stoic individuals who more than anything else enjoys power, respect, and authority, and who is willing to work for as long as it takes to achieve their goals. Inwardly, however, Capricorns may not be the self-confident pillar of strength that they appear to be, and when their power or authority is compromised, they may make flawed decisions that could cause everything they have worked for to go down in flames in a tremedous way. Capricorn is the third and has the highest work ethic of the Earth Triplicity.
To the average onlooker, Capricorn energy might seem boring, but it is the serious drive and structured way of life that they feel safe with. Capricorns might seem melancholy and stern, because they live by self-discipline and responsibility. These individuals evaluate everything and they don't take heroic chances without weighing the advantages and disadvantages first. Sometimes, dear Capricorn, you come off as being very cold and care little about other people's feelings. When you do perform a personal service, you do it out of duty or loyalty, to only consider yourself used or the martyr to a cause later. This is very frustrating to those who truly appreciate you and look to you for guidance. Through my studies, I have encountered many Capricorns who find themselves in finacial binds by giving fancy parties and/or openning their lives up to people they can't stand! You are a name dropper, a jewe lry flasher, and dedicated seeker of the "right" names, places, and lover. When ever presented with a social situation, the first thing Capricorns inquire about, even before "what's your name" is "what do you do". Often time severe bouts of fear and melancholy come from your tendancy to hope for the best but believe in the worst. Capricorn ... you need to provide yourself with healthy outlets that allow you to play just as hard as you work.
Capricorn Personal Cosmic Lesson:
It is the cosmic responsibility of Capricorn energy to experience joy without worrying about what will happen when you don't have and/or don't feel it anymore. It's very important that you adapt the habit of dwelling emotionally on your GOOD points, your strengths, and your overall satisfaction. Capricorn ... You ARE the sign of strength, power and accomplishment. Make sure to hold on to these factors and propel yourself and others to new heights. Why continue to place heavy limitations on your life by negative thinking, finger pointing, and/or giving free rein to your fears. Your cosmic lesson is to program your mind to exercise more positive thinking. Honestly, the only real obstacle you really have to overcome in this life is YOURSELF!
According to Capricorn energy, there is only a right way and a wrong way to do things and this idea makes some Capricorns closed minded, stubborn and reluctant to agree with others. This is an ongoing lesson for you, dear Capricorn, knowing that there is more then one way of doing things and even though your way is usually right, it does not mean that you have to impose your ways on others. Just go ahead and be the best than you can be ... And if someone "asks" you for help, then throw on that cape and pay it forward. Taking what you have acquired in life and building an empire of smart, know it all ass holes as yourself. Ok, sorry. Not calling all Capricorns assholes ... BUT ... When mature Capricorn energy is positive and fullfilling to all involved, this sign can be one of the greatest individuals a person could ever meet. Gaining mental flexibility is the key ... Learn to live in the now, so that you can ride the upward tides rather than fearing that you should cling to the bottom - just because of what you may be "use" to. Elevate your being by viewing change, not as a loss, but rather as what it is, Expansion! Overstand!?! Good, I knew you would.

Trust - Building Confidence

Energy Ruled by Saturn

Capricorns Rule The Skin, Bones, Teeth, Hair, Gall Bladder, Spleen, and Knees
Symbolic Energy:
(The Sea-goat)
Rules the 10th House
Spiritual Goal:
To learn to understand the feelings and needs of other people
Identifying Phrase:
"I USE, therefore I AM"

Capricorn Energy Rules:
The Skin, Bones, Teeth, & Hair (Skin Deep by_Youkai Yume)

Capricorn Energy Rules:
The Knees (Silver Crawl by LelaRae)

By Rzhevskii

Capricorn Energy Rules:
The Skin, Bones, Teeth, & Hair (Skin Deep by_Youkai Yume)
~ Capricorn Attributes~
Practical, Reserved, Ambitious, Authoritative
Suspicious, Rigid, Cunning, Pessimistic, Driven
Obessive, Miserly, Conservative, Materalistic
Productive, Dedicated, Realistic, Dislikes Risks
Romantic, Critical, Vulnerable, Moody
Attracted to Structure, Inseure yet Confident
Self Sufficent yet Seeks Protection, Sarcastic
Negative Thinkers, Appetite for Life, Loyal
Contradictory, Highly Sexed yet Restrictive
Scattered, Purposeful, Moralistic, Rescourceful
Good Organizer, Conventional, Hard Worker
Status Seeker, Never Satisfied, Strong Integrity
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