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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini
This combination of Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini produces, a rather surprisingly, romantic personality. Here is were fixed and mutable energy collide. Your ideas and action towards romance are strong, but more so mentally than emotionally. You dramatize life and yourself, often expanding and enhancing situations through love affairs and life in general. You are often changeable in mood and actions, and look for new and exciting things to do. Individuals with this combination need a variety of communication outlets. In other words, internally, your nature is truly much more fixed than it appears on the outside. Your success depends on emphasizing the decisive potential in your nature, and becoming involved in some form of creative activity that allows you to express yourself mentally. Your attention span is rather short and if anyone wants to converse with you on a regular basis, they will need to be able to keep you on your toes and leave you wanting more!
The Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini mix yields a very harmonious and versatile combination, blending originality and the independence of Aquarius, with the wit and versatility of Gemini. Your mind is highly active, quick, and you tire of routine easily. It’s hard to pin you down to reality, and you can easily find yourself drifting in life. In business your a natural for advertising, writing, public speaking, or just about any kind of job that allows you to live by your wit. Many individuals with this combination may be bilingual, and enjoy complex verbal exchanges. In love, companionship is extremely important to you. You desire someone who is mentally compatible and stimulates your intellectual growth. Your opinions of things may appear changeable to others, therefore your lover must also be sympathetic, caring, energetic, and able to make quick decisions. In case of an argument, your lover must be a formidable opponent and be ready for constant interactions.
Astrological Inspiration:
Embrace your inner desire for cultural achievement and learn to debate. You must learn to balance your restless attitude and your flair for social adventure. Your soul growth will occur as you learn to cooperate and appreciate personal relationships. No more scattering or wasting your energies!

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