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Scorpio energy is the eighth sign of the tropical zodiac. The sign of Scorpio is one of fixed action and possess very intense emotions. Many people, including astrologists, are amazed at just how contradicting this sign can be. Scorpios can be the best and worst of both worlds  (independent and clingy, loving and cold, authoritative and weak).  Scorpio, the sign represented by the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix, is the second and most direct of the Water Triplicity.  Of all the signs of the zodiac, Scorpio energy is arguably the most recognized due to their combination of directness, laser beam mental focus, and critical assessments.  If you are needing to face the truth of the matter in a situation, consult a Scorpio. There's no sugar-coating whatsoever here, even if the truth is not pretty. Some people identify Scorpio as being overly critical - even hurtfully so.  However, by the same token,  when Scorpio gives you a compliment, it's not a condescending gesture, but rather a straight-out, honest assessment that you can indeed be proud of.


Scorpios are often considered mysterious people, because their true feelings run so deep. Yes ... they keep their emotions hidden. Have you ever noticed how Scorpio energy likes to uncover things and discover the real meaning of a situation about "other people"; especially their lovers. When this energy is directed in a positive and mature light, Scorpio is capable of deep, incisive thoughts and sharp observation. Due to their determination and powerful emotions, Scorpio individuals often make great spiritual leaders, doctors, and scientists. Very adaptable, often changing careers and going down new paths in life. Most Scorpios are achievers and possess a tremendous drive and an even stronger desire to "go places".


Now let's talk sexual intimacy for a moment. Scorpio lovers are fiercely private, deeply feeling individuals. You may have to get used to the fact that you will never know everything about your Scorpio. Keep in mind once they let you inside their world, there is no turning back.  Scorpio will let you know what you need to know AND how they expect you to act. Be very careful not to make your Scorpio lover feel rejected, lied to, or betrayed. The less than mature Scorpio has a wicked vengeful streak and will quickly make an example out of you. One that you will remember down through the years. Scorpio individuals seek all types of sources of control because it signifies power to them. This sun sign is often referred to as the "wounded healer". Scorpios are capable of extremely passionate, intense sex and know exactly how to cater to the mind of any individual desired. Often times during their transitions in life, the partner may experience more of the situation as intended. Scorpio energy ventures into the dark areas of the soul to uncover those buried resentments, emotions that have been turned inward and frozen in fear, and Exposes them ... only to transform ... coming out feeling refreshed and ready to tackle what's next.  Much like the cycle of a mythical creature - the phoenix (a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn).

Scorpio Personal Cosmic Lesson:

It is the cosmic responsibility of Scorpio energy to master the highest lessons of the previous sign, Libra. Learning to love from a place of inner balance and personal harmony will take several experiences and a willing attitude. The sign of Scorpio symbolizes the water element at its most dangerous. Obtaining the power from the roar of the ocean will not be enough to survive. Scorpio you must master the movement of the tides as well. Many individuals around you, dear Scorpio, depend on your stability and delievery of knowledge. You either drown yourself and others around you or at your highest level of maturity, Scorpio, your energy can lift you and others from great depths to great heights. Intrinsic to its nature the challenge of dying is to re-discover life. In other words, Scorpio, your lower-old self has to die allowing your higher-new self to flourish.


However, the key to attaining balance comes in sacrificing the constricting sense of pride that often cuts off your emotional flow. To experience love in its most expansive state, Scorpio, you must adapt emotionally to all situations. You must challenge yourself to experience a love that is beyond your control. Scorpio is the sign of many of life's mysteries: birth, sex, death, and regeneration. This energy is willing to explore things others are afraid to look into. Again ... Scorpio ... your psychic, cosmic tool to self-attainment is selfless love. Ultimately, when you relinquish your ego, you relinquish your suffering.  Correct and righteous use of your emotions free your soul. The time is now.

Energy Ruled by Mars & Pluto

Symbolic Energy:

(The Scorpion)






Rules the 8th House



Spiritual Goal:

To openly communicate feelings in a way they won't be misunderstood

Identifying Phrase:

"I DESIRE, therefore I AM"

Scorpio Energy Rules:
The Bladder, Muscle System, Genitals, Sex Organs, Reproductive System, Rectum, Prostate, and Anus

~​  Scorpio Attributes~

  • Passionate, Secretive, Powerful, Complex

  • Inquisitive, Resourceful, Magnetic, Intense

  • Open-minded, Social, Procrastinates, Indecisive

  • Hypnotic, Sexual, Sharp, Creative, Practical

  • Vindictive, Prone to Extremes, Dynamic

  • Compulsive, Self-Confident, Possessive, Torrid

  • Self-Destructive, Leader, Loner, Asexual

  • Adventurous, Loyal, Psychic, Arrogant, Stubborn

  • Nonconforming, Manipulative, Vengeful

  • Dictatorial, Compassionate, Penetrating

  • Protective, Jealous, Moody, Intolerant, Insulting

  • Quick-Tempered, Mysterious, Obessive, Blunt

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