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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Aries energy is the first sign of the tropical zodiac. They naturally achieve, implementing strategies on how to obtain anything they want or need. Aries, the Ram, is the first and most energetic of the Fire triplicity. The placement of the sign of Aries in your natal chart shows one of the places where you tend to take initiative and plunge right in. Aries pride themselves on being pioneers; on the front-lines. Their favorite time is "Now!". Their directness, daring, and enterprising personality make them attractive to most people and you will rarely find an Aries man or woman without a companion.
Aries energy is easy to trust and reliable in times of trouble. Is someone bothering you or do you need to retrieve something? Call up your Aries friend, sister, mother, cousin, etc. Aries will be glad to step in and help you plan an attack! War is their specialty! Even though putting up a good fight is on the menu, the helpful nature of Aries is very giving. They believe in anyone who believes in themselves. Aries energy is brave, passionate and always ready for adventure. People who possess Aries energy are highly competitive and willing to accept most challenges.
Aries does often find itself in hot water most of the time. As mentioned above, Aries wants to be first in everything, which can create relationship problems. Selfishness is surely to emerge and if this sign does not have his/her way, Aries gets childish and immature. Impatience, anger, and aggression will lead to being labeled too rough or insensitive. Aries does naturally have a short-temper thanks to his planetary ruler, Mars. You can combat these feels by having more positive outlets to release through. People have to be careful of what they say around you in fear of you knocking their head off either verbally or physically. Fear only restricts; in the end it will only create feels of regret, loneliness, and an unstable cycle of life.

Aries Personal Comic Lesson:
It is the comic responsibility of Aries energy to come to terms and learn that they are not the center of the universe, but a crucial part of a larger social order. Aries energy is here to inspire others not to be used selfishly. Aries, you do not have to use aggressiveness and force in every situation; especially love. You expect those around you to provide you with constant stimulation and physical expression right? Well, this can be done if you show more "support" towards the efforts of others EVEN when it's not the way you "expected" it to be. Spiritually you must learn the meaning of selfless love.
I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you've done. - Robert Downey, Jr. (Aries Sun)

By Valhadar

Red Head
By Kuroi Kisin

By GodOfWar

By Valhadar
Energy Ruled by Mars

Aries Sexual Intimacy
Inspiration For Couples
Erotic Journals
Aries Energy Rules:
The Head, Cerebrum (brain), Face, Upper Lip, and Upper jaw (Maxilla)
Symbolic Energy:
(The Ram)
Rules the 1st House
Spiritual Goal:
To learn the meaning of selfless love
Identifying Motto:
"I Am, Therefore I Am"

~ Aries Attributes~
- exploration, discovery, adventure, pioneering
- creativity, initiation, being first, new beginnings
- self-assertion, competition, winning, challenges
- nobility, daring, personal control of everything
- courage, openness, Freedom-loving, assertive,
individualistic, experimental trendsetters, fiery
straightforward, passionate, powerful, extreme
arrogant, excessive, violent, headstrong, jealous
impulsive, eloquent, sincere efforts, aggressive
burning affections, ready to fight, energetic
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