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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"

Taurus energy is the second sign of the tropical zodiac. They have a strong desire for personal security. Taurus energy is easy going and they have a love for all things natural. Taurus, the Bull, is the first and most sensual of the Earth triplicity which enhances their senses, touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell. Beauty truly does delight them in a deeper sense. To give Taurus a better perspective and time to unwind, they need creature comforts. Have you ever noticed how excited they get when its time to eat or partake in a glass of wine? I've met plenty of astrologers, analyst, and psychologists that believe Taurus energy is born to value, learn from, and simply care for the physical world. Taurus quest for spiritual truths comes by material efforts. Most Taurus are unable to really rely on others, therefore they're usually very dependable characters themselves. The nucleus of their universe is security, both physical and emotional realms. Taurus are not only earthy, but down-to-earth, home-loving, nurturing, conservative, and have fixed morals.
As mentioned above, Taurus energy lives by a practical, common-sense code and seeks physical well-being above all. Through my experience and personal interaction with Taurus, I've noticed that they can be extremely loyal and trust worthy friends. Thus making them excellent business partners do to their inventive and original thinking abilities. Taurus individuals are goal-oriented people, able to focus intently on whatever they do which makes them efficient and effective. Usually Taurus, you display grace under pressure. However, you are at risk of getting too precise on what you are doing, focusing too intently on one portion of the project. You could miss an important detail or misjudge circumstances. To aid this issue, remind yourself to stop and question your assumptions every now and then; don't hesitate to get professional opinions to help boost and support your ideals.
In matters of the heart, Taurus sometimes treat their partners as personal property. When frustration sets in, they tend to show bouts of violent anger and signs of being out of control. This leads Taurus to becoming possessive, controlling, and over concerned with security, money, convenience, and sexual pleasure. Hi Taurus. Yes, I know you may be reading this and feel as if you can justify this behavior. If you wish to flourish in your life as well as in others ... YOU must learn to keep the balance and maintain your harmonious nature. You may stray from the path misconstruing your role as custodian and nurturer. Stewardship must never be confused with ownership.
The energy of Taurus at times lacks agility and liveliness of mind. Many recognize this as being bull-headed; simply fixed in your ways. Stubborn I say! No need to rush the feeling like Aries, because you are natural thinker. Where other energies may stray from a task or leave it undone, you will persevere.

Taurus Personal Cosmic Lesson:
It is the cosmic responsibility of Taurus energy to share their abundance in a positive way. Taurus is known as the merchant of the zodiac, always aware of the value of things, able to make good purchases and profitable sales. It is not about possessions or how much money you accumulate in life, but how to save and collect things that will truly become strong investments for your future. Taurus, these lessons involve integrity, honesty and maintaining a balance between your need for materialism and all other aspects of your life. Since most Taurus individuals are usually good with money and numbers, many become bankers, bookkeepers, accountants, and mathematicians.
It's as simple as this Taurus, if you are giving freely of your materialism, your hand is open, palm up. Now, when your fist is closed, not only are you holding on to what you own, you are unable to receive anything from others. When your hand is open, as when you are giving to others, you are also able to receive. Spiritually you must learn the value of insight. You must connect with the creative intelligence from deep within you, which helps you avoid many losses, many tears. Insight keeps you from being stuck in a horrible problem for years, stuck in idleness and lack of self-expression.

Finance vs Romance

Romance Taurus energy over good food, compliments & fine wine!

Long Term Stability & Love

Finance vs Romance
Ruled by Venus

You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk.
- George Clooney (Taurus Sun)
Symbolic Energy:
(The Bull)
Rules the 2nd House
Spiritual Goal:
To learn the value of insight
Identifying Motto:
"I HAVE, Therefore I AM"
Taurus Energy Rules:
The Ears, Lower lip, Lower jar, Throat, Base of Brain, Cerebellum, Neck, Cervical Spine

By Diana

By Quix

Taurus Motto ...
"I HAVE & Possess, Therefore I AM"

By Diana
~ Taurus Attributes~
Dependable, controlling, possessive, cautious
Security, endurance, wealth consious, sturdy
Tendency to overeat, Snappy, Home-loving
Shyness, trustworthy, kinetic learners, artistic
Affectionate, Sensual, devoted, resourceful
Loyal, persistent, self-indulgent, Lover of Fashion
Procrastinator, musical, hard-worker, strong
Lazy at home, Insensitive, Stubborn, Keen senses
Resistant to new ways, bankers, accountants
Will-power, Stong morals, Indulgent, Obstinate
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