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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"

Gemini energy is the third sign of the tropical zodiac. The natural "communicator" as the astrology world likes to say. Gemini possesses a child-like trait that is seemingly inquisitive and curious about everything. In other words, they are inclined to have some kind of fascination with the outside world as well as overewhelming thoughts about the new experiences they may encounter someday. Gemini, the Twins, is the first and most receptive to new ideas and information of the Air triplicity. This enhances their eneregy and dynamic approach to life. Gemini energy is also mutable in the way it expresses thoughts and processes life's tests. Air is associated with words and language. Language and words are essentially verbal, and speech requires air. Gemini energy requires that words are uttered in a particular sequence, and the basis of logic is within expression. Most Geminis are smooth talkers and never shy about expressing their ideas and opinions on whatever topic is on hand. They love to explore new ideas and mentally challenge themselves.
As a child, Gemini souls are usually one of the smartest if not the smartest in class, but he/she talked so much that it drove the teacher crazy. Ha! However, due to their high intelligence, people are always willing to pay the price to experience that type of Gemini energy; if only for a little while. Geminis never really even understand themselves and it takes many years of experience in a situation before they embrace their truly calling to the universe. To teach, to reach, and to expand "air/knowledge" to people and areas that are struggling to "breathe".
The mind of a Gemini is restless, and impatient, changeable and contradictory. Being that Gemini energy is quick, clever, and witty helps those people who do appreciate a Gemini to experience a higher level of communication and receive geniune support. Astrology reveals Gemini energy to be charming, verbal, and spirited, BUT sometimes superficial in its assesssment of others. Again, this is the sign of communication and when met by other energies, the Gemini tongue and humor can come off as either brilliant and uplifting or bitter, nasty in behavior.
In matters of the heart, Gemini energy is extremely aroused by a highly intellectal soul. Gemini either wants everything at once, or they think they want nothing at all. After being lonely for a spell, these airy characters will decide to settle and attempt to engage with the "emotional essence of love". This will definitely be a difficult challenge for them to accomplish. Gemini energy does not work well on a deep emotional level. Their mind works fast and whether they like to admit it or not, but they grave lots of attention. Positive Gemini energy people love to be in love, because it gives them a position of belonging. Love to a Gemini means spending time with their partner and developing a trusting bond that glues one another. Initially when in a new relationship Gemini energy may seem distant and cold, this is because Geminis take their time to trust a person with the things, people, and ideas they hold close to heart. Things get rocky in love when Gemini receives what they have analyzed as too much to deal with and they feel more burdened than flattered by all of the attention from one individual. It's a tricky situation indeed, but once they have committed their attention to you, it will be a grand experience to enjoy. Just take it easy when it comes to emotional encounters. Keep in mind the true nature of "air".

Gemini Personal Cosmic Lesson:
It is the cosmic responsibility of Gemini energy is to share your widsom by communicating your ideals with intrigrity. You hop and skip on the surface of many things, preferring quick, witty mental interaction, rather than engaging too deeply. You barely get your feet wet when it comes to facing the emotional depth of a situation. Gemini can often can feel detached from their feelings and stay clear of getting caught too deeply involved in situations with others; for fear of being trapped or smothered. As one who speaks of deeper meanings and openness in all things, it is time to take a dose of your own medicine and express the truth. Only then will Gemini discover the only way to turn their superficial knowledge into mind-blowing wisdom! To experience a Gemini using their great mental energy constructively is definitely a treat. Unique and exceptional.
Often a Gemini will use their need for variety as an argument against applying themselves to anything. Gemini individuals shine when they are focussed on truly uplifting a cause, idea, or situation. Gemini energy must recognize their abilities as a gift and to curb their arrogance and feelings of superiority over others. Geminis are delightful souls by nature. They are child-like with their wonderment of life and fun and learning. They are inquisitive and adaptable. Gemini you must share what you know, but don't let people worry you about the things you don't know. Your task is to admit you don't know any more than you've introduced and that you will get back to them with the answer to their question. Do not feel you have to always know everything. You are here on earth to learn and experience as much as you can and then share your experience with others! Graceful and direct.

Share Your Knowledge With The World!

By Andrea Skopriva

Mind Stimulation

Share Your Knowledge With The World!
Ruled by Mercury

Gemini Intimacy
The adventure is about to begin! As you continue to explore the energy of Gemini, I will serve as your guide; your personal Astrological Analyst. Together, we will discover new social, physical, and spiritual techniques to add to your collection of experiences. Sexual intimacy serves as a wonderful starting place. Accepting the natural hunter/huntress inside will unleash an erotic confidence that will strengthen your personal relationships. Gemini's quest for variety keeps them incredibly youthful. It's hard for Gemini energy to focus on one particular thing. Once they discover their true body language, Gemini's inner dialogue will trump their limitations. Would you like to take a look at what level of energy you require in order to feel comfort and confidence? Let the journey begin ...
When I get logical, and I don't trust my instincts - that's when I get in trouble. - Angelina Jolie (Gemini Sun)
Gemini Sexual Intimacy
Inspiration For Couples
Erotic Journals
Symbolic Energy:
(The Twins)
Rules the 3rd house
Spiritual Goal:
To learn how to cooperate
Identifying Phrase:
"I THINK, Therefore I AM"
Gemini Energy Rules:
The Vocal Cords, Speech, Shoulders, Lungs, Arms, Hands, Fingers, and Nervous System

Gemini Energy Rules The Vocal Cords

Gemini Energy Rules Speech

Gemini Motto:
"I THINK, Therefore I AM"

Gemini Energy Rules The Vocal Cords
~ Gemini Attributes~
Adventurous, Flirtatious, Versatile, Studious
Impulsive, Restless, Youthful, Charming, Witty
Instinct, Freedom, Change, Variety, Passionate
Scattered, Noncommittal, Collecting, Teaching
Learning, Broad-Minded, Liberal, Entertaining
Great Conversationlist, Fickle, Easily Bored
Impatient, Always On the Move, Many interests
Intellect, Ambitious, Inquiring Minds, Courage
Superficial, Impratical, Inventive, Optimistic
Procrastinator, Clever, Persuasive, Deep Thinker
Philosopher, Loves New Information, Logical
Vulnerable Heart, Headstrong, Dual Personality
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