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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
Aquarius Sun/Aries Moon
Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon
Aquarius Sun/Gemini Moon
Aquarius Sun/Cancer Moon
Aquarius Sun/Leo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Virgo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Libra Moon
Aquarius Sun/Scorpio Moon
Aquarius Sun/Sagittarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Sun/Aquarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Pisces Moon
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This combination of Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra produces a personality that is somewhat similar to a gust of wind. Your energy can be powerful and forceful, but lacks constancy and is often subject to change directions. Your impact on an issue or conversation can be amazing as long as you stay interested, but you’re also apt to leave the task/project half finished and be off to another. Just make sure to stay dedicated and enthused so things move swiftly, because if not, you tire of concentrating, move on to something more interesting and more exciting, uncommitted and unchained by emotional ties. Moon in Libra is truly a Cinderella position, for no matter what humble hearth you may slave over, the vision of yourself as you see it is one of refinement, elegance, and sure grace. Your vision is strong, so eager are you to make it a reality! You are generally outgoing and love a good social life. You are extremely talkative but often a good listener too. Individuals with this combination often enjoy partnerships and working with innovative groups to conduct lucrative business projects.
You have an ability to analyze and categorize people in a very effective way. The Sun in Aquarius energy gives you a somewhat frivolous attitude about living life, and a tendency to ignore conventions and rules of conduct that can cause you to be periodically ostracized or criticized. The Moon in Libra energy promotes an outlook on life that is broad and tolerant. You are very forgiving of others for their errors as you hope they will be forgiving of yours. As a young boy, many Moon in Libra males were put in the position of surrogate husband for Mother Dear and were expected to smooth over threats to domestic tranquility. As a result, the adult male tries to keep unpleasant feelings hidden and will need a strong woman to reassure him of emotional security. For him, security rests in having the love and approval of everyone. In love, this Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra combination is extremely dependent on their love of the moment and unfulfilled when there’s no romance on the horizon. Your circle of friends may be wide or diverse, but few are close or enduring. Marriage and commitment are important to you, but settling down to a stable relationship will be difficult and will take some time for most of you. You enjoy good music, fine art, and gourmet food. Your lover should be rather reserved, a good listener, and have a strong backbone. You romanticize lovers and expect them to be charming and lovely.
Astrological Inspiration:
Learn to overcome the tendency to be dependent, manipulative, and to attempt to live through others. Embrace your confidence and take on challenges that you aim to conquer only! You are to learn the art of compromise, consideration of others, and honesty for yourself and those around you. Soul growth will occur as you learn to achieve and maintain a strong sense of personal identity within your marriage/partnership.
Famous Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra:

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