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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
Aquarius Sun/Aries Moon
Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon
Aquarius Sun/Gemini Moon
Aquarius Sun/Cancer Moon
Aquarius Sun/Leo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Virgo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Libra Moon
Aquarius Sun/Scorpio Moon
Aquarius Sun/Sagittarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Sun/Aquarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Pisces Moon
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This combination of Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn produces a positive and authoritative personality; a very practical and solid individual. You know your course in life and you are not one to be diverted by emotional factors. Your business obligations may be heavy and intense at times. You do have a powerful sense of responsibility and deep seriousness to your nature. Due to restless energy, you need to keep busy in your profession, business and public life. You conceive yourself as a practical, hardheaded individual who can compete successfully with the world on its own terms and who finds therein your deepest satisfaction and greatest success. You are a natural executive with humanitarian actions, as you combine friendliness and fair play with strict business principles. You strive more for authority and power than for wealth and material success.
The Sun in Aquarius energy promotes an original and independent character, joined by the moderation, deep ambition and caution of Moon in Capricorn. Your calm persistence, deep determination and talent for cold calculation or prudent thinking assure sound judgment and realistic evaluation of conditions and situations. You have great inner sources that enhance your personality. The game itself, rather than the stakes, interests you; you aren't likely to be grasping of money, but more so the principle of the matter. You are social to a point but mostly enjoy very close friends and small groups. Careful and smart with money, people often look to you for advice on investing. For many males with Moon in Capricorn, security is extremely important. Often successful and gifted at management, they rank among the most renowned world leaders throughout history. If driven to succeed, as so many of them are, he can become a workaholic and an absentee husband/father. He’s very traditional where women are concerned. Mother was an ambitious, perfectionist person, dutiful rather than warm, so he experiences women as demanding rather than giving. In general, when it comes to love, individuals with this astrological combination desire someone who is careful with money. You need someone who will accept your controlling ways, and nurture you with practical encouragement and activity. Sometimes you do not think of other’s feelings and tend to speak your mind with your definite ideas. The ideal partner will need to be flexible, yet stand firm on what they believe. You and your lover should draw clear boundaries and make sure to have independent projects to keep both of you occupied.
Astrological Inspiration:
You must overcome the tendency to seek power positions for the prestige you believe they will provide you. Break free from old habits and restrictions. You can not allow parental influences to be excessive throughout your life. A balance needs to be obtained in order to experience the real security that you seek. Your soul growth occurs as you learn to accept and appreciate the self-discipline lessons dealt to you in this life. No more manipulation, be intolerant of others, and stop ignoring the ideas of others.
Famous Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn:

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