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Leo energy is the fifth sign of the tropical zodiac. The sign of Leo is one of fixed and precise action. Individuals who possess Leo energy have a natural flair for the dramatic and they enjoy telling stories, being the center of attention, having a good time, and running the show.  Leo, the Lion, is the second and most emotionally demanding of the Fire Triplicity. Leo individuals are likely to be extremely proud of themself; prefering to be pampered, courted, and protected. One known discovery about the Leo energy is its natural acting talent and flair for dominating a scene; "playing with life". When things tend to go wrong, you will see this energy dramatize, turn to arrogance, loud boasting, or petty lies designed to boost a sagging ego. Although this energy is definitely a raging one, when it comes to romance and the "game" of love, Leo is more than ready to play. Being that the energy of Leo is romantic and stylish, you will be woven into a tapestry of fantasies and sexual experiences. Music, movies, and old fashioned romance novels will surely activate the fiery passions Leo energy contains. This sign has that extra "something" that makes people take notice! When speaking with clients about Leo, they often vividly describe their partner's appearance, temperament, and those long steamy nights of sex. Many of you that are currently or previously deal with a strong Leo energy often get intimidated at times do to the high levels of sexual stamina that these individuals possess.


Leo ... it is very important that you do not overly exert or burn you partner out with such a need for physical satisfaction. Your standards are very high in this department and at times you must learn to compromise while still allowing your loyal quality to remain in tack. Often times you require such loyalty from friends and lovers, but forget to hold yourself to this very standard. Romantic rituals and tranquility can provide you with the time and inclination to relax your controlling ways and allow your partner to take YOU on a journey! Just a suggestion. :-)


Leo is it's own greatest asset! Their energy is creative, self-promoting, and inspiring. Leo is almost always a leader. This energy is quieter than the other fire energies of Aries and Sagittarius, but Leo attracts followers and has a high performance track record to show for it. You will experience Leo's energy in a positive and fun way, as long as Leo continues to educate themselves on healthy management techniques instead of dominating people or neglecting details. So much more to discuss about Leo ... shall we continue?!?


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Leo Personal Cosmic Lesson:

It is the cosmic responsibility of Leo energy to learn "how" to love and develop their ego in order to later surrender the ego to their higher self. This lesson is very important to the awakening of a passionate soul who has many things to contribute to the growth of others as well as society.

Leo, your ruler is the sun, the heart and furnace of our solar system. Your specific task is to open your heart and develop a better awareness of your inner self. Many Leos struggle and deny their possessiveness. Leo energy has a nearly inexhaustible craving and ability to play the lead role.

They must overcome the tendency to try and shape or use others through relationships just to feed their egos. Boredom is the blight of Leo's existence, and so they're always busy.


Like all fire signs, they demand constant stimulation in some form. Dear Leo, you lust for a life of peaks, but you must learn to realize that too many things on your plate will only frustrate you. Many times you are not able to prioritize properly or set a healthy schedule for your life. Pain and panic would not consume your life as much if you learn to deal more creatively and calmly with static situations.


Take a few moments of your life to develop self-detachment and learn that every man and woman have something worthwhile to offer. To hear it, you must learn how to listen ... yes without interruption or adding a dramatic flair to the situation. Accept the challenges and finally rid yourself of all the restlessness and lustful disappointments.

Energy Ruled By The Sun

Symbolic Energy:

(The Lion)






Rules the 5th House



Spiritual Goal:

To learn the true meaning of love

Identifying Phrase:

"I WILL, therefore I AM"


Leo Energy Rules:
The Heart, Upper Back, Vertebrae, Spinal marrow, and Sides of the body
Leo Decans - Which Are You?

So many things in common with others and then you seem to have major differences huh?!? 

Well, astrological energies vibrate on a variety of levels. As many of you know, and those of you who desire to know, decans are subdivisions of an astrological sign. Each sign's energy allocates through a triplicity which consists of three of the four classical elements: fire, earth, air, or water. 

Here's an inside look into these properties depending on date of birth. Leos are a dynamic source of energy that many of us encounter on a daily basis even if we do not possess this sign anywhere in our natal chart. There's a lot to contribute as well as to learn from such vibrations. Exploring decans, properties, and characteristics through our natal footprint is just the start. Don't forget to schedule your own personal reading. Enjoy! - Madam Nove`

~​  Leo Attributes~

  • Generous, Theatrical, Proud, Passionate

  • Noble, Creative, Bossy, Romantic, Fiery

  • Formal, Political, Self-Promoting, Demanding

  • Inspiring, Hates Details, Authoritative, Brash

  • Big Spender, Trusting, Vain, Gullible

  • Needs a fan club, Opinionated, Shirks Routine

  • Social, Gossipy, Affectionate, Leaders

  • Great Marketing Abilities, Fondess for children

  • Teachers, Students, Hospitable, Confident

  • Friendly, Responsible, Stubborn, Cold, King

  • Withdrawn, Risk Taker, Overbearing, Queen

  • Bad Temper, Materalistic, Loyal, Entertaining

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