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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Cancer energy is the fourth sign of the tropical zodiac. The sign of Cancer is one of cardinal action. If there is no crisis for them to take care of, Cancers have been known to create one just to have something to do; becoming the center of attention. This happens a lot when dealing with the younger signs of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer). Cancer, the Crab, is the first, most fascinating, and complex lover of the Water triplicity. Cancers, both male and female, love the security of a relationship. Sensitive to your every whim, they'll make slow, passionate love to you, serve up your favorite meals, massage your body, and totally spoil the hell out of you. Basically making it hard for the next indvidual. All of the devotion Cancer individuals give will demand complete loyalty from you.
Universal energies have to be extremely careful when it comes to the sign of Cancer. Their emotions run deep and when things are not right, Cancer energy becomes smothering and irrational. They will even go as far as harming themselves to make a point! Cancer energy also has the tendancy to play the victim which denotes all of their attractive qualities. It's almost unbearable to see a whinning or upset Cancer. This energy has the ability to make you feel guilty, uncaring, and cold hearted. Yea ... after building you up, if things don't go Cancer's way ... they will break you down!
The energy of Cancer must stay positive and strong in order to properly function. Cancers are ruled by the Moon which brings many mood swings and transition periods for them. Seeing is believing for this water energy. One way to get them to appreciate you is to deliver your love in the way they crave. Geminis love to talk about it. Virgos love to listen and be entertained. Scorpios want someone to express it in an intense sexual experiencce ... but ol' Cancer is a bit of a traditionlist. Cancer energy wants love delivered with kissing, cudddling, good food, and promises of your security ... Forever!
Remember, most Cancer individuals NEED a mate, a nest and children to make their lives complete. Unless the ascendant is in a more fickle sign, Cancers tend to be loyal, not only to lovers, family and friends, but also to their hometowns and countries of origin, which manifests as a fierce patriotism. The energy of Cancer has a lot of common sense and a practical outlook on life, which makes them good business people and shrewd investors. Definitely worth getting to know and embracing into your life.

Cancer Personal Cosmic Lesson:
It is the cosmic responsibility of Cancer energy to learn how to take a balanced view of things and life situations as a whole. Just as God himself, Cancer, you give birth, to people, to enterprise. Just like God, Cancer's energy nurtures with love and care. In Cancer we are the Creator, we are one with God. On a more personal level, love means everything and without it a Cancer is a miserable person trying to make the best of things. Love is a kind of nourishment and energy source that revitalizes the soul and gives Cancer the power to interact with the world with greater zest and a positive spirit!
One of your comsic lessons is to learn to be more comfortable with yourself. Over the years, you have developed a defense against being vulnerable that sometimes you appear cool, aloof, and noncaring. Truth is, Cancer energy is not cold at all, you're just being cautious. Mainly because you probably been hurt or disappointed so many times. Cancer has to be more careful in the partners they choose. Just because a pereson looks good or appears to be secure does not mean that their overall energy is beneficial or compatible with yours. This is true in business partnerships as well as love interest. When pursuing an individual, dear Cancer, take time to date, court, and avoid love life that makes you moody, lackluster, and depressed! Keep smiling Cancer, we need your positivity! Remember, a loving Cancer is a happy one.

Cancer "The Crab"


Cancer "The Crab"
Energy Ruled By The Moon

It's insecurity that is always chasing you
and standing in the way of your
dreams. - Vin Diesel (Cancer Sun)
Symbolic Energy:
(The Crab)
Rules the 4th House
Spiritual Goal:
To learn how to take a balanced view of things
Identifying Phrase:
"I FEEL, Therefore I AM"
Cancer Energy Rules:
The Breasts, Chest, Stomach, Womb,Uterus, and Digestion

Cancer Energy Rules The Breast

Cancer Energy Rules The Chest

By LUN2004

Cancer Energy Rules The Breast
~ Cancer Attributes~
Protective, Sensitive, Tenacious, Social
Emotional Hardships, Nuturing, Moody,
Receptive, Telepathic, Sentimental, Dreamer
Compassionate, Domestic, Possessive, Moody
Enjoys strong family ties, Holds a Grudge
Property, Private Life, Heritage, Reputation
Maternity, Sympathetic, Patriotic, Strong Willed
Security, Protective, Invidual Ideals, Shy
Over-powering, Creative, Clingy, Impressionable
Victimized, Irrational, Intuitive, Intense
Intimate, Need constant reassurance, Worrisome
Moves Sideways, Motherly, Self-Protection
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