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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
Aquarius Sun/Aries Moon
Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon
Aquarius Sun/Gemini Moon
Aquarius Sun/Cancer Moon
Aquarius Sun/Leo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Virgo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Libra Moon
Aquarius Sun/Scorpio Moon
Aquarius Sun/Sagittarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Sun/Aquarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Pisces Moon
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This combination of Sun & Moon in Aquarius produces a nature that is strong—a little bit undefined, but strong! Your ideas are prolific, and likely range from the conventional to the eccentric and the unusual. You tend to be mentally hyperactive, but perhaps a procrastinator at times. Mentally, you are a real trail-blazer, but one who definitely has a very short attention span. Many of you apt to get yourself involved with a wide variety of subjects and amusements daily. It is rather easy for you to blend with with newbies and strangers; dealings with people rarely cause you any problem. Just the same, you are independent or somewhat individualistic, and require considerable personal freedom of action and thought. You should always trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice. You are friendly, and possess great empathy for charitable and political causes. On a personal note you can be impatient with people’s woes, emotions, and challenges. You have a love for unusual and different things in the way of entertainment including your surroundings and even how you dress! Unconventional you are, but not because you think it is “cool”, more so because of the way you think and react. You’d like to be a force for social good, and will strive in whatever sphere you move to live up to this ideal of yourself. Whatever errors you make are likely to be forgiven because people know you mean well.
The Sun & Moon in Aquarius combination is somewhat of another world, philosophical, and extremely open-minded. Your individuality and personality is a blend of the Aquarius traits of intelligence, refinement, futuristic, and a broadly humane nature. This energy mix may even develop into an intense talent or a streak of genius. You are apt to success rather easily in business because of a combination of traits you possess. You are best when unsupervised and independent in your work; at your worst when required to perform any sort of routine or overly systematized task. You are people oriented and thus, able to understand the needs of the public. You are original and progressive in your thinking; new ideas and advanced techniques are your forte. With your ability for controlled rational thinking, clear perception, and humanitarian concern, you surely have a lot to offer the world at large. Males with Moon in Aquarius may have had a mother who was erratic and often cold. He has great difficulty dealing with emotions and dependency. He can get rather hot under the collar about social injustices and exhibit many of his feelings this way. The positive male of this type may have had a mother who was an advanced thinker or committed to social change. In love, you must be careful. Many of you may stay detached from emotions due to a traumatic loss or separation during childhood. You look for a partner who you can improve and who can do the same for you. You like to complete things and make new discoveries with your intimate partners.
Many of your romantic relationships often bud from special friendships
you have developed over time.
Astrological Inspiration:
You are a bit high strung at times, and need to be sure of getting adequate relaxation and outside activities that allow you to release tensions. Even though you have a friendly exterior, you may be out of touch with your feelings and a bit selfish. There is a need to develop a strong connection to your personal self, so that you do not lose your identity within the group/groups to which you belong. Your soul growth occurs as you make contact with your emotional nature and learn to express your feelings more readily.
Famous Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius:

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