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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"

Sagittarius energy is the ninth sign of the tropical zodiac. The sign of Sagittarius is one of mutable action and possess a natural enthusiasm for life. Sagittarius, the sign represented by the bow and arrow of the archer and the Centaur (half man, half horse), indicates the duality of the sign. An idealist, a philosopher, and a lusty conquistador, Sagittarius pursues their every desire in the spirit of the centaur. Sagittarius is the third and most adventurous of the Fire Triplicity. This energy is very sharp, an interesting fusion of humor, intellect and sizzling drive. Sagittarius is restless and find it difficult to be still for too long. So do not take offense, when they say "I got to run". It's natural for this sign to feel the need to travel and explore their interests. Sagittarius cares little for the destination as long as it sounds exciting, intriguing, and out of the ordinary.
A typical Sagittarius fears nothing and, at times, may a be a magnet for danger; intense arguing, fighting, etc. They are not the ones to keep their thoughts to themselves. Infact, what is in Sagittarius' mind and heart will instantly be on his lips! Sagittarius ... your attention span flashes away in front of one's very eyes. You never settle for less than total satisfaction, because your momentary desires always dominate the scene. Sagittarius is a natural "talker" who doesn't linger long enough to consider what they are leaving behind. This sign's energy is independent, freedom-loving, and forever looking for a challenge.
To seek and experience the sexual energy of Sagittarius can be a very rewarding adventure. If you are into routine sex and mediocore foreplay ... be prepared to upgrade your game! When it comes to sex, you will find most Sagittarius as very willing and expert lovers. If you’re looking for adventure and spontaneity, you are definitely on the right side of the street if you choose Sagittarius. They seek thrills. Nothing is too wild and out of the ordinary for Sagittarius ... when it comes to sex that is. As I stated previous, Sagittarius individuals rarely, if ever, bite their tongues when it comes to telling you how they feel. I advise all who encounter this energy to make great first impressions and be prepared to share the good graces of Sagittarius. You know, Sagittarius ... You are highly respected for your insights, awareness, and faith in times of turmoil. Your love of life, your turst of your fellow man, and your philosophical aspirations can bring you to the great heights. Yeah - the ones you dreamed of. See the thing is, the more considerate you are of others, the more caring they will be of you - dear Sagittarius. And in the long run, your life will take you through fewer tentative places.
Explore & Share! You got this.

Sagittarius Personal Cosmic Lesson:
It is the cosmic responsibility of Sagittarius energy is to take responsibility for your behavior. You may find yourself paying certain painful prices that you really resent. Try to realize your compulsive need for expansion sometimes creates limitations on your progress. Most of the feelings of restlessness and boredom that you experience are due to a heightened sense of energy and optimism. Make sure that your provocative behavior doesn't turn to abusiveness or land you in tactless arguements with friends and lovers. It's wonderful to have a multitude of interests, but when they become so numerous that they take you in too many directions, you become a victim of your own diversity. You can combat this by simply setting goals for yourself and stick to them.
Sagittarius ... Elevation from this karma requires you to get in control of your aspirations and to give as much attention to the tiny details as to your more expansive quests. After considering your commitments more seriously, you will be aware of a deeper appreciation by all who deal with you. Rising above far above the whim of the moment to recognize the rights and feelings of others, will be a glorious occassion.
"I try to contrast; life today is full of contrast... We have to change. "
- Gianni Versace (Sagittarius Sun)

Eneregy Ruled by Jupiter

Sagittarius Energy Rules:
The Sciatic Nerve, Liver, Hips and Thighs
Symbolic Energy:
Centaur (The Archer)
Rules the 9th House
Spiritual Goal:
To learn to use your talents to guide others
Identifying Phrase:
"I PERCEIVE, therefore I AM"

Sagittarius Energy Rules:
The Sciatic Nerve

Sagittarius Energy Rules:
The Hips

Sagittaius Constellation Symbol

Sagittarius Energy Rules:
The Sciatic Nerve
~ Sagittarius Attributes~
Freedom loving, Straightforward, Extrovert
Philosophical, Intellectual, Fun-loving, Arrogant
Adventurous, Expansive, Optimistic, Scattered
Reckless, Jealous, Too-serious, Tactless
Trend Setters, Spiritual, Independent, Restless
Naive, Extravagant, Irresponsible, Generous
Always in Motion, Blunt, Eager, Lucky
Enchanting, Flashy, Scholars, Impulsive, Musical
Intuitive, Cultural Patron, Explorer, Patriotic
Exhibitionistic, Versatile, Pompous, Joyous
Good Judge of Character, High-Spirited, Sensual
Open, Talkative, Fair-Minded, Theatrical
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