Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Erotic Inspiration
Info Provided For Consenting Adults Over 18 yrs old

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Love Scene
"How Do You Feel"
Intimacy can be experience on a variety of levels - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
When it comes to your current/future experiences, it's important to incorporate the right atmosphere, position, smell,
and communication. So "how do you feel" in terms of heightening your experience by allowing your desires to be met?
Make sure that you are expressing your thoughts and emotions in terms of pleasure. Not only will you feel better, you will ultimately experience more intense orgasms through your connections. Of course, there will be those spontaneous moments in which your "standards" will be tested and forgotten. Indeed by all means, enjoy those opportunities to operate outside of your fears, but remember to contribute key emotions and thoughts.
Inner confidence is definitely key. How do you feel about your appearance? How do you feel about the scent of your nectar? How do you feel about your ability to perform? Are you being authentic about your lifestyle?
Never engage in intiacy while you are harboring negative or frustrating energy. Make sure that the health of your body, mind, and spirit are in sync as intimate cosmic seeds are planted and will be reaped at a later time. Law of Attraction plays an important role in the inital chemistry or lack of. Take responsibility for the people in which you attract as this causes you to self evaluate. The way you feel will determine the your ability to close the deal.
Chemistry + Genuine Desire + Positive Feelings = Ecstasy
Explore Your Personal Natal Energys & Unlock Your Intimate Spirit
~ MadamNove ~

Art by: Andre' Kosslick
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Sun Passion
"Enhance Your Libido"
A healthy sex life is important for building relationships, reducing stress, & improving your overall wellbeing.
Indeed diet & exercise are great solutions for stimulating the body yet there are many herbal foods & remedies that
will boost & ignite the libido. Do your research & love your body!
~ MadamNove ~

Art by: Richard Young
Herbal Foods To Get You On Your Way:
( Click the images to learn more )

Ashwagandha is basically an herbal plant. The berry & root are used to heal & aid the body. It improves the ability to think, decreases pain & swelling, prevents the effects of aging, ignites fertility, & yes ... it increases the sexual desire! Kama Sutra identifies this plant as a potent igniter of passion and desire that creates an intense sexual experience.

Maca Root has been used extensively as a hormone balancer. It is known to decrease menopause systems as well as depression. This Natural Herb improves #sexual function, fertility, brain health, & bone density. Maca is rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals, & protein. Use it to enhance your energy & to stand as a natural #aphrodisiac !

One of my personal favs to use as a #stimulate - Dark Chocolate! It contains 70% cocoa which increases dopamine levels in the brain. This type of rise in the brain naturally lifts your mood, relaxes you, & improves your response to stimulation - mentally & physically.
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Wonders of the Libra Season
"The Goddess of Beauty & Love"
Libra women have a masculine side and can be very assertive in and outside of the bedroom. Her demeanor is tactful and mindful of the thoughts and feelings of others. Before you know what hit you, this Venus Goddess captivates you with a romantic, verbal interlude used as a prelude for more intimate contact. With a strong, loyal partner, she will often fantasize about or experience very intriguing sexual rendezvous. Aquarius, Sagittarius, & Libra men are the top 3 ideal candidates for these type of adventures. Whereas Leo, Pisces, & Libra women are the top 3 partners to tag team and entice another. Ms. Libra will control each scene with confidence and gracefully deliver her lines. She is an excellant ear nuzzler and will worship your body until it orgasms. Remember, she is in love with love and for that moment, that love is you!
~ Madam Nove ~

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Orgasmic Product Challenge
"Yes Butter"
Tantric intimacy is a good way to develop self control, and ultimately makes your orgasm much more intense at the finish line. It's something that needs to be learned and practiced over time in order to deepen the connection between you and your lover. See, Tantric intimacy is about being orgasmic rather than simply working towards having an orgasm. Looking for a key piece of bedroom furniture? Try a uniquely designed tantric chair to not only brighten the room but spicy it up too!
Now, I want to introduce to some and remind others about a great product to add to your tantric experiences called "YES BUTTER". Yes Butter Personal Lubricant by Cupie Loves Organic is an excellant lubricant that will surely enhance the mind & body! It's actually a solid which is a good thing considering it won't be messy and the slightest bit goes a long way. Yes Butter is made of organic essential oils, including coconut oil, shea butter, jojoba oil and it possesses a peppermint smell & sensation. The moment it touches your skin, it warms & smoothes the chosen area. No irration and it's even safe for all types of sex toys & condoms; EXCEPT latex. Yes Butter also intensifies orgasms and prepares all involved for an easy and heighten journey! Try it! Try it! Try it!
(Photo Credit: Yes Butter via
Yes Butter is also safe for oral intimacy, foreplay, and massage for those of you who were wondering! All you need is a few swipes of the product onto your fingers and apply it to the desired area for stimulation. Then keep rubbing and touching ... and ... Oh I'm sure you know the rest. Ha! This product does come in a rather small tube for a stern price, so don't over-use when a little will go a long way! Great product for those with sensitive skin and for those who prefer a laid-back, simple-to-use lubricant for sexual pleasure! Check out the product for yourself, order now, and let me know what YOU thin1
A few places sell this product, so a quick Google search will guide you, but I recommend shopping here:
I really do want to know what you think, so feel free to email your experiences to, take the poll, and share amongst your social circles!

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Kama Sutra Challenge
"The Erotic V"
The Erotic V position demands certain acrobatic skills, but can be mastered with a little practice! The woman should get confortable on the edge of a sterdy table or a counter making sure that her butt checks are slightly hanging off. The man should stand directly in front of her and bend his knees so he's in the best "entering" position. Now she braces herself by putting her arms around his neck and then slowly resting both legs upon his shoulders ... in a "V" shape of course. She leans back and he directs the thrusting by holding on to her butt! The key is to maintain balance and develop a rhythm in which both individuals feel the maximum pleasure.
(Photo Credit: The Erotic V via
Many women will attempt to lie back on the table as their being penetrated and this is actually a totally different kama sutra position called the Mermaid. Try and stay on track and master the Erotic V kama sutra challenge! Males might try and hold the legs for an easier, more controlled thrust, yet this position is also a popular kama sutra position called the Tower of Pisa. Resist this tempation mister! If you need to grasp the lower back in order to maintain stamina, go ahead but make sure to switch back to the butt as you fully release at the end.
The challenge is yours to conquer. Once mastered this position will surely bring you closer and more in tuned with your partner. Many people loose the essence of kama sutra due to a lack of trust, commitment, and focus during intimacy. These things are major factors to reach maximum orgasm as well as that magical spark needed to keep sex fresh and exciting.