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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aries

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
Aquarius Sun/Aries Moon
Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon
Aquarius Sun/Gemini Moon
Aquarius Sun/Cancer Moon
Aquarius Sun/Leo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Virgo Moon
Aquarius Sun/Libra Moon
Aquarius Sun/Scorpio Moon
Aquarius Sun/Sagittarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Sun/Aquarius Moon
Aquarius Sun/Pisces Moon
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This combination of Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aries produces a quick, aggressive mind, a keen sense of your own intelligence, and a sort of forensic attitude toward the rest of the world. You have to be aware of vanity and self-satisfaction for you are at times prone to have a bit of a superiority complex; which makes some of you unpopular. You are a very solid thinker, and what you know is usually accurate, well thought out, and well stated. Sun in Aquarius makes you cool, aloof, and detached from your emotional side. This placement also fuels an intellectual interest in all manner of things abroad, new, and innovative. Oddly, you do better when you don’t seem so sure of yourself. This polarity combines the eccentric and original energy of Aquarius with the highly-spirited and independent energy of Aries.
Strong leadership potential is formed with this Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aries combination. Even though you often appear aloof, you are very eager to have people listen to you. You push issues passionately and aggressively, often with limited judgement or forethought. You have a real need for people and for social activity. Life seems to flourish as you improve on your social opportunities by learning to be less arrogant, to appear less sure of yourself, and to show empathy towards your peers. Your impulsive Moon in Aries tends to accelerate matters that suggest a need for patience. Perhaps it is just the strong will of Sun in Capricorn to wait for the right time to do things that you know instinctively need to be done. At times, you stay on the move to avoid sticky involvements. In love you look for someone who understands your deep need for affection, respects your independence and appreciates your warm nature. You look for a take-charge lover who won’t expect to be babied and who might actually nurture you a bit.
Astrological Inspiration:
Learn to transform aggression into positive self-assertion. Your overall happiness can be increased by decreasing the demand for total personal independence and taking time to create smooth relationships. Your soul grows when you overcome anger and learn to express your emotions with confidence.
Famous Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aries:

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