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"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Virgo, Moon in Aquarius

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
Virgo Sun/Aries Moon
Virgo Sun/Taurus Moon
Virgo Sun/Gemiini Moon
Virgo Sun/Cancer Moon
Virgo Sun/Leo Moon
Virgo Sun/Virgo Moon
Virgo Sun/Libra Moon
Virgo Sun/Scorpio Moon
Virgo Sun/Sagittarius Moon
Virgo Sun/Capricorn Moon
Virgo Sun/Aquarius Moon
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The Sun in Virgo, Moon in Aquarius combination forms an independent, demanding, and practical personality. You experience periodic moods of emotionalism and romanticism, however, you’re inclined to be cool and confident at heart. Another part of you,
Moon in Aquarius, is constantly searching for truth, understanding, and knowledge. You aim to be detached from the mundane elements of everyday life as well as emotional pressures. Many of you thrive on social interaction and inspire others from a distance. You enjoy giving perspective to others, often with a punch or shock factor.
You can be insensitive and are known for telling people what you think rather than what they want to hear. You speak volumes when
it comes to networking. No one person ever really gets to spend a lot of time with you. You are steadfast and loyal, yet only those close to your heart get to experience this side.
This Sun-Moon combination is able to use sympathy and understanding without letting their judgment get too clouded with emotion. Moon in Aquarius forms an unconventional mind that is usually guided by the thorough, intuitive sense of Sun in Virgo. Being that you are a true mental explorer, you can become consumed and occupied with an idea or a plan easily. You will
often dream, scheme, and try to satisfy your endless curiosities.
You prefer friendships that will turn into family bonds. You have a persuasive charm that makes you popular. In business, you are idealistic, optimistic and friendly. Many of you are unbiased and liberal in the way you treat people in general. Often times, your interest in business or social affairs distract you from ordinary domestic life. In love, you refuse to be rushed or forced to make an emotional commitment. However, you are very loving and can be loyal once you dedicate yourself to an idea, project or relationship. Females with this combination are often better friends than companions. You may experience sorrow or disappoint at the oddest times. Marriage or raising a family rarely changes your fixed way of thinking and doing things. Males with this combination can tend to be a little possessive and jealous when it comes to intimate relationships. You must be careful not appear cold or uninterested due to the heavy load you put on yourself to pursue ideas. Both sexes often think the intellectual connection and idea of romance is more important than the emotional and physical side of love.
Astrological Inspiration:
Your soul growth occurs as you purify fixed desires for gratification and becoming emotionally stable. You must overcome the tendency to be selfish underneath a friendly exterior. Learn to separate your personal self, so that you do not lose your identity within the group/groups to which you constantly inhabit.
Famous Sun in Virgo, Moon in Aquarius

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