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Sun in Virgo, Moon in Gemini

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
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The Sun in Virgo, Moon in Gemini combination provides you with great strength and mental power. Many of you are always on the move and possess the gift of gab. Moon in Gemini provides you with a quicksilver tongue which makes you brilliant at reasoning; capable of figuring things out analytically. Due to your ability to live by reason, the emotional side of your nature is not as nearly responsive. You have the gift of carefully detecting underlying motives with ease. Both signs are mutable and combined they produce a clever, logical, and witty individual.
Sun in Virgo alludes an attractive and warm personality that has an independent spirit and an artistic glow upon the initial greeting. Many of you battle with a cold sense of logic that gives you a unsympathetic image. When you are most yourself, you appear sophisticated and in-the-know. What stresses you most is being stuck alone or surrounded by people who are unaware and boring. This Sun-Moon pairing gives you superb conversational skills, therefore people use you for leverage or entertainment. You must be careful not to get caught up in gossip
or paying too much attention to what everyone else is doing. Though
quite willing to discuss others, you tend to be secretive about yourself.
Sun in Virgo is constantly looking for physical and mental stimulation, while Moon in Gemini is drawn to intellectual and artistic stimulation. Flexibility and instinct play a major role here. In order to avoid mental stigmas, you need frequent change of scene and varied daily routine.
Pay attention to your nervous energy and get proper exercise to avoid physical deterioration. In business, a thirst for knowledge propels you.
You have a detailed and versatile work ethic that fuels the natural
student within. A variety of mental interests appeal to you and prefer to know all there is to know about any subject, project, class, job, etc.
Your energy is good for economics, statistics, economics, and social sciences. In love, your mate must realize that you sometimes lack insight into what you really want due to the changing of your emotions.
You honestly dislike arguments, yet you have the tendency to talk too much. Heated, verbal battles with you will always guarantee the slaughter of ones feelings. It’s best to allow you to logically access the situation,
brain storm with others, and re-approach after you have released.
Males are truly charismatic, yet their temperaments are intolerant
towards emotional hysteria or false acquisitions. Females possess a loyal and independent spirit, but will not tolerate instability of any kind.
Astrological Inspiration:
Be careful not to exude emotions or say things just to suit others.
It makes you seem insincere and flighty. Your soul growth will occur
as you transcend away from being shallow and afraid to reveal your true emotions. You must learn the lessons of being consistent and reassuring. Embrace your emotional nature and strengthen your love language through action more so than words. You must cooperate within personal relationships, structure your life, and appreciate the gifts of others.
Famous Sun in Virgo, Moon in Gemini

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