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Sun in Virgo, Moon in Scorpio

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Virgo Sun/Scorpio Moon
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The Sun in Virgo, Moon in Scorpio combination produces an individual that appears and acts like an intellectual only. The truth
is that your emotional nature is the true driving force. For many of you, the ability to reason and rationalize is well developed, but you often seem almost incapable of believing what is foreign to your emotional prejudice. Moon in Scorpio causes your emotions to be
as turbulent as a storm at sea, but you never reveal. Showing your emotions publicly would only give people a way to get to you and you’re not having that. You have a strong inner core of self-reliance. You have a magnetic flair for influencing others, but struggle with distrust, which can lead to shaping others to get your needs met.
This Sun-Moon combination is perhaps the most emotional of the ever so logical Virgo types. Your intellectual powers are strong, no doubt, yet you have a certain zeal that makes it hard for you to
remain still and listen to what others have to say. Many of you can
be dominating in your approach to group endeavors and usually
make judgments with intuition rather than logic.
Sun in Virgo has a quick mind and common sense that is highly noted. Moon in Scorpio adds a highly charged energy marked by an intense, impulsive character. In business, you become very focused and one-sided on whatever causes or ideas light your fire. Many of you effortlessly think up reasons why your ideas are right and are pretty persuasive at getting them across to others. At times you appear to be a genius, and at other times, no one knows what you mean. You will
be valuable to your employer because you do possess powerful leadership qualities. You are a theoretical and radical thinker, able
to prove nearly anything on paper, with diagrams, and other social resources. You are interested in one thing only: POWER. Power over others that comes from power over the Self. Incredibly self disciplined, you are a formidable enemy, an incomparable friend,
and a determined lover. Sun in Virgo, Moon in Scorpio energy will always be watchful of others and protect their territory. Females with this combination are apt to be extremely clever and of high intelligence. Their ambition is not so much a matter of wealth for its own sake as it is their desire to gain power. Sexually she posses a toxic grip, one of many kindred spirits. Males have a bit more of a battle to face. They can be distracted by situations that offer no solution. Intimately, If he sets his mind on something, he will get it, no matter how long it takes! Both sexes despise weakness in themselves even though they can be infinitely compassionate with others.
Astrological Inspiration:
The result of your personal power is your ability to survive anything. To make the journey work best, you must allow the higher intuitive light of the soul to distinguish unhealthy and negative emotional patterns. You must overcome tendencies to engage in ego battles with those around you. Your soul growth occurs as you learn to forgive and forget. Overcome tendencies toward seeking revenge, jealousy within relationships, and having a lack of consideration for others.
Famous Sun in Virgo, Moon in Scorpio

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