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Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
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The combination of Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus forms a very earthy, solid, and dependable personality. A good-humored personality and sharp mind endows many of you with success through little difficulty. You appear to others as a stable and secure individual due to your strong roots and commitments. Things naturally seem to flow your way and you have the capacity to stick with any task until it is done right. Moon in Taurus causes you to be a bit conservative and many of you fear anything outside the norm. You are attracted towards people and things that are established. This is usually a materially fortunate Sun-Moon combination. You are generally a social and materialistic person who loves making new friends and business connections. Sun in Virgo
bestows a natural tendency to worry, even when you may have little to worry about. Your nerves do flare up at times, yet all you need is time and space to logically access the situation. You usually have a good nature,
but when your slow-simmering temper is aroused, it can lead to an explosion. Moon in Taurus causes many of you to become unstable, sometimes a bit extreme, or at least unconventional in your actions. Acting on impulse is definitely something to be avoided with this Sun-Moon combination. Many of you have the ability to truly touch hearts
and be the best nurturer to the less fortunate.
One thing that sticks out for sure is your deliverance of information. Equally you are respected and disliked for the way you analyze situations as well as your social behavior, because you don’t “beat around the bush”. Playing games is out of the question. In business, Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus is usually the general who keeps the troops in line. Many of you manage with true purpose and integrity. People can count on you to be consistent and straightforward. As far as finances are concerned, you will receive your monetary rewards, no matter what type of work you do.
In love, you have to be careful not to become too possessive and display fits of envy and jealousy. Your trademark is "blushing" which makes you quite irresistible. Many of you somehow manage to remain an island unto yourself no matter how long you’ve been in love or married. This is because you are so domestic and enjoy pleasing yourself sexually and mentally. Your partner should be one that enjoys feeding you, sensual pleasures, allows you to get the proper rest, and knows how to have fun. Males with this combination will have a great liking for music, singing, friendship, and social resources. Females with this combination are generally good looking and possess seductive eyes. She’s fond of the arts, stubborn, loves to eat, and desires to be well -looked after by her mate. Honesty & social tact rank high with this combination.
Astrological Inspiration:
You must learn to control your lower-self desires and tendency to be bullheaded. It is wise to embrace the fact that security comes from
within and true happiness is the result of transcending personal desires and letting go of negative attachments. Your soul growth will occur as
you analyze and re-evaluate your value system in order to reach spiritual enlightenment. If you use what you have for the good of all then material loss will naturally evade you.
Famous Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus

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