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Sun in Virgo, Moon in Virgo

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
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Virgo Sun/Virgo Moon
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The Sun & Moon in Virgo combination produces a studious, adaptable, and strong individual. Many of you are highly curious about or engaged in intellectual quests. You aren’t one inclined
toward taking risk. You would much rather be secure and practical
in handling daily affairs. Instability, insincerity, silliness, dramatic emotions, and quitters have no place in your life. Sun in Virgo promotes a discriminating individual who tends to over analyze everything in a conventional, logic sense. While Moon in Virgo adds
a finicky, mutable attitude in matters of the company you keep, how you dress, and how you live. You are a very socially oriented person with keen mental powers and intelligence. Those around you rely on your practical nature. You possess the ability to separate emotions
and facts to deal effectively with emotional issues. Of course you
make many aquaintances because of your sympathetic nature, but
this often times leaves you vulnerable. You will do well to learn tolerance in order to protect your sensitive digestive system. Be easy on the expectations you put on yourself and others. You have a tendency to criticize and have a internal desire to feel appreciated.
Even though many of you hold tightly to your well conceived ideas, you usually have no difficulty fully understanding and appreciating the ideas of others. Sun & Moon in Virgo is truly a peace-loving individual. Fighting and arguing are not things you engage in very often. There is a tendency to worry about things and your intellectual curiosity has a fondness for gossip. Health is also a major concern and many of you at some point turn into hypochondriacs; guilty of using maladies to attract sympathy. Make sure to create outlets to curve negative energy such as traveling, writing, or embrace a new form of exercise. In business, many of you believe in preserving law and order. You pride yourself in thinking matters through carefully. You are not likely to be gullible or easily convinced. You prefer your work environment to improve in a gradual way, making sure to recognize you as a key player also. In love, you are not much of a romantic, nonetheless a steadfast and faithful friend and partner. Those pursing you must connect with you on an intellectual level - FIRST and foremost! Your mate must accept that you are not emotionally spontaneous. Accepting the responsibility of a long-term
relationships is a big commitment for you and requires a lot of mental energy. You may hesitate to show action unless you feel like you are
on solid ground, or there is some personal advantage to be gained by your emotional involvement. Females take care not to become nags
or victims of nagging mates. Males take care not to idealize your
mate, but extend passion. Both sexes will be conservative and often
be more concerned with the finish line than the actual journey taken.
Astrological Inspiration:
You must learn to surpass the need for extreme perfectionism, passing judgement, and setting of unattainable standards for yourself and others. Release the anxiety you carry daily worrying about what could go wrong. Avoid over-thinking issues and pointing fingers. Soul growth occurs as you Soul growth will occur as you cease being so critical and properly care for your physical body.
Famous Sun in Virgo, Moon in Virgo

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