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"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Virgo, Moon in Libra

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Virgo Sun/Libra Moon
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The Sun in Virgo, Moon in Libra combination forms a polished
and charming personality; one that is also discriminating and intellectually inclined. You have a sense of restraint and diplomacy
in your nature that prevents you from ever coming on very strong.
You may not even voice your opinion unless you feel you really have something valuable to offer. Sun in Virgo desires mental stimulation and study in order to maintain a quiet and observant persona.
Moon in Libra has a need to to be surrounded by many friends and relate to others harmoniously in order to feel a sense of peace.
These combined energies suggest that you enjoy truly companionship and having a good time, but excesses and extremes are not your forte. Many of you avoid reacting to harsh, offensive situations.
The demanding aspect of Sun in Virgo is softened by the Moon in Libra, creating a fine and precise balance. You have a strong attachment to home and family though it may not always be obvious in your life style. Many of you will experience more than your fair share of good and bad experiences with legal matters, intimate relationships, and big decisions.
This Sun-Moon combination gives some of the best advice in the world and have the gift of true objectivity. You present a courteous, gentle, yet strong demeanor, and you can see an experience from another’s point of view with ease. Many of you are quite popular and make great hosts/hostesses. The elements of discrimination and criticism from Sun in Virgo make you very selective in associations. What stresses you most is crudeness, someone invading your personal space, and uncontrolled emotions. You thrive off of getting validation and recognition for helping others; as well as appreciation for the obstacles that you have conquered through hard work. In business, many of you are dedicated to getting your way and accomplishing personal goals. You may miss a few opportunities to shine due to your indecisive nature, yet you are excellent at bringing people together, planning, and preparing projects. At times, Moon in Libra causes you to elude issues, making it hard for people to get to know the “real” you. In love, you desire a long-term emotional relationship with someone that is intellectual and physically attractive. Many of you prefer to not to be along, but prefer your partner to be as equally enthusiastic as you are. Females with this combination are typically interested in social activities, finances, intellectual ventures, and taking care of home. Males with this combination are domestic and need to be mentally stimulated on a consistent basis to remain faithful. Both sexes tend to have one or two influential females who keep the motivated and keeps their secrets. When you are
comfortable and most yourself you are the perfect companion - thoughtful, dedicated, and interesting!
Astrological Inspiration:
Learn to discipline your extreme mood swings, and to conquer the need to procrastinate and keep up appearances. Soul growth occurs
as you embrace the art of compromise and honesty. Overcome the tendencies to be manipulative, live through others, and over-think. Developing a healthy balance between social activities, sex, and
money will propel your inner being.
Famous Sun in Virgo, Moon in Libra

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