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"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
The Swordfish Spirit

Primal Astrology Collection < ---- The Swordfish Spirit

Sagittarius + Rooster = Swordfish
The elusive swordfish can be frequently found basking at the
surface of the ocean. This species is known for their powerful jumping and speed. Did you know that swordfish do not swim in schools? They prefer to be alone or separated by as much as 33 ft from a neighboring swordfish. Much like the ocean dwellers, Swordfish Spirit individuals are vigorous, powerful, eccentric, energetic, and noble. They believe in fighting for their freedoms
and prefer to live by their own philosophies. Swordfish Spirit individuals are great at expressing themselves and often shock others with their dialogue. They are blunt and keep everyone on their toes with their direct approach. Many may consider this behavior as arrogant, yet honestly, Swordfish individuals are just focused on what keeps them moving forward. You do have to be careful not to overpower people with inferior notions and start controversies, dear Swordfish Spirit. These Sagittarius souls have
a desire to make things around them better and succeed at rapid
rates by simply applying their bright, inspiring theories.
In terms of career/profession, Swordfish Spirit individuals perform better under pressure and when new challenges stare them in the eye! They aim to leave their mark on the world while steadily inspiring future generations to rise higher. You will find a lot of entrepreneurs within Swordfish Spirit individuals. Being the boss
is empowering, yet they have no problem showing their worth to superiors. Swordfish Spirits are dominant by nature and will take charge in most situations. Many of them will be specific when choosing a career based on previous knowledge acquired.
Swordfish Spirits know a little bit about everything as they are
born seekers of information. They prefer specific instructions or better yet forming their own prototypes. Swordfish Spirit individuals like to be productive and should follow their inner voice when choosing a career. Professional fields that motivate their soul include: TV/media, medical, travel, entertainment, athletics, law enforcement, buyer/seller, public speaking, producing, debaters, event organizers, social activist, etc.
When it comes to dating/romance/love, Swordfish Spirit individuals require a lot of attention and feel the need to make their presence known where ever they dwell. They attract people with their colorful, authoritative, and radiant personality. Swordfish Spirits can keep up in just about any conversation and enjoy meeting new people. They care about their personal style and prefer to be mentally organized. It takes a strong character to vibe with these Sagittarius souls. Their conversations are strong, direct, and persuasive. Swordfish Spirit individuals take pride in the way they judge people's character and how they add shock value to any topic. Jupiter provides charm and luck to the Swordfish Spirit as they
have many admirers waiting to "catch" their attention.
Once committed to someone, they believe strongly in loyalty and spiritual growth. Their soul is adventurous and one must be ready for a ride! Many will glide on the surface of the dating scene for quite awhile before embracing a long-term commitment in which they can honor and feel accomplished. So make sure you are stylish, educated, self-sufficient, and crave adventure before throwing out your bait for a Swordfish Spirit individual.
Famous Primal Swordfish:
Swordfish Spirits have the Sun Sign of Sagittarius and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rooster.

Astrology Sun Sign (Western) + Chinese Zodiac Sign (Eastern) = Primal Animal Sign
Primal Astrology is the use of an "animal spirit", which uniquely inhabits everyone. Animal spirits represent our instinctive nature. These set of natural traits reveal instinctive courses that we each utilize as we encounter "life".
Check Out Other Sagittarius Primal Signs ...
Sagittarius + Rat = Skunk
Sagittarius + Ox = Raccoon
Sagittarius + Tiger = Mongoose
Sagittarius + Rabbit = Sugar Glider
Sagittarius + Dragon = Whale
Sagittarius + Snake = Tarantula
Sagittarius + Horse = Dove
Sagittarius + Goat = Tortoise
Sagittarius + Monkey = Roadrunner
Sagittarius + Rooster = Swordfish
Sagittarius + Dog = Golden Retriever
Sagittarius + Pig = Camel
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