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"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
The Camel Spirit

Primal Astrology Collection < ---- The Camel Spirit

Sagittarius + Pig= Camel
Camels provide many things to humans such as milk, meat, hair for textiles or goods such as felted pouches. They are also working animals with tasks ranging from transport to bearing loads. Camels mate by having both male and female sitting on the ground, with the male mounting from behind. Did you know that the male usually ejaculates three or four times within a "single" mating session?!? Much like the animal species, Camel Spirit individuals are optimistic, adventurous, and always up for a friendly encounter. They are extremely determined to accomplish any task before them and pride themselves on being self-reliant. These Sagittarius souls truly live for adventure and grave new experiences that others may consider as too risky. Camel Spirit individuals will not only trek through harsh conditions for those they adore, they will carry them on their back while they do it. They prefer to live and let live; and in that order! Forget impressing anyone, that is definitely not their flavor. Camel Spirit individuals enjoy having a good time and embracing cultural success along the way. Many people consider their behavior to be rather naive, and in some ways it can be, but Camel Spirits are also very resilient and can usually bounce back from most bad situations with ease and grace.
In terms of career/profession, Camel Spirit individuals are determined and prepared to to do what it takes once they know what they want! They have an undeniable talent for keeping others entertained. Any position that provides a daily purpose as well as a progressive routine suites Camel Spirit individuals well. They need a career that meets a lot of the emotional needs and intellectual challenges to conquer. Unlike many other Sagittarius souls, Camel Spirit individuals don't need much to boost their egos and could care less about flashy, superficial professions. Careers that support non-profit entities, social causes, and teaching the masses fit well within their lives. You can find many professors, actors, producers, writers, comedians, musicians, event hosts, philosophers, etc. within the energy of Camel Spirit individuals. Don't get it twisted though, they can be very kind and considerate, yet deeply enjoy the humor and intrigue of “real-life”. Often Camel Spirits surprise others with their witty and timely remarks that can be painfully honest. True to their Sagittarius nature they prefer to speak with conviction.
When it comes to dating/romance/love, Camel Spirit individuals know how to make others comfortable by being reliable, friendly, and helpful. They are aware that you enjoy their company and will not hesitate to suggest places to kick it and embrace their energy. Camel Spirits really do make great friends and will be there to
show you just how much they adore your connection.
Be careful not to be too dramatic as they prefer environments that are positive, adventurous, and beneficial. They will not hesitate to cancel out people who they feel are volatile and up to no good.
If you are seeking a deep commitment with a Camel Spirit individual, make sure you are honest, courageous, tolerant, social, and most importantly, reliable! They want to feel just as
comfortable and supported as they make you feel throughout your journey together. A complete natal chart will shine more light on their romantic behavior, so make sure you educate yourself on the full picture before attempting to lock down this energy.
Whatever you do, make sure to enjoy!
Famous Primal Camels:
Camel Spirits have the Sun Sign of Sagittarius and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Pig.

Astrology Sun Sign (Western) + Chinese Zodiac Sign (Eastern) = Primal Animal Sign
Primal Astrology is the use of an "animal spirit", which uniquely inhabits everyone. Animal spirits represent our instinctive nature. These set of natural traits reveal instinctive courses that we each utilize as we encounter "life".
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Sagittarius + Horse = Dove
Sagittarius + Goat = Tortoise
Sagittarius + Monkey = Roadrunner
Sagittarius + Rooster = Swordfish
Sagittarius + Dog = Golden Retriever
Sagittarius + Pig = Camel
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