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The Sugar Glider Spirit

Primal Astrology Collection < ---- The Sugar Glider Spirit

Sagittarius + Rabbit = Sugar Glider
The sugar glider animal species uses gliding as a mode of locomotion, safety, and to decrease their energy consumption when searching for food. Some people adopt these exotic marsupials as pets. Sugar gliders, once tamed, make lovely companions, who view you as an equal. This is a social animal who engages in grooming, and enjoys bonding with their colony which establishes their identity. Much like the animal species, Sugar Glider Spirit individuals prefer to enjoy their surrounding on their own terms. Aggressive behavior and confrontation is avoided if at all possible. These individuals enjoy exploring, random adventures, and philosophical discussions. This breed of Sagittarius tends to have a dual nature as it is full of contradictory characteristics.
They enjoy spending time alone yet they crave new experiences shared with others. Even though they are highly ambitious, Sugar Glider spirits often stick to what they know is best for self. It's important for you to "follow through" with your projects before moving to something new, dear Sugar Glider spirit. Routine and negativity drains the life out of these Sagittarius, therefore they should make sure to create outlets and take vacations away
from the norm more often than others.
In terms of career/profession, Sugar Glider spirits possess a particularly lucky streak with money. Many of them enjoy instant satisfaction through their purchases. Being rich is never a major concern, as they almost always have money or know what to do to get it when they need it. Sugar Glider spirits prefer to conquer small projects due to their lack of attention. They get bored easily and need strong influences in order to keep them on tract during the pursuit of long term projects. Having a steady supply of new tasks to achieve within their career is ideal. Professions that promote exciting experiences draw them in such as: travelers, translators, entertainers, lawyers, investigators, diplomats, pilots, innovators, etc. Any career that balances the Sugar Glider Spirit's need for adventure and financial stability will be uplifting to the soul.
When it comes to dating/romance/love, Sugar Glider Spirit individuals do not respond well at all to cruelty, punishment, nor domination. If you treat them with respect, gentleness and understanding, you will be rewarded with a devoted friend/companion! Even though they procrastinate when it comes to settling down, there is a strong tendency for these Sagittarius souls to grow attached to those they spend the most time with. In their younger years, many will avoid closeness in order to hold on to their freedom and explore a variety of relationships. Sugar Glider Spirits hate having to break off unions and tend to have multiple ones or start new ones before the old one is over. It does cause trouble in love as having an active social ife is important! Knowing when to speak and the clever usage of words make them quite attractive. If you are in pursuit of a Sugar Glider spirit, make sure to project high energy, an easy-going attitude, comfortable surroundings, and social excitement.
Famous Primal Sugar Gliders:
Sugar Glider Spirits have the Sun Sign of Sagittarius and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rabbit.

Astrology Sun Sign (Western) + Chinese Zodiac Sign (Eastern) = Primal Animal Sign
Primal Astrology is the use of an "animal spirit", which uniquely inhabits everyone. Animal spirits represent our instinctive nature. These set of natural traits reveal instinctive courses that we each utilize as we encounter "life".
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Sagittarius + Rabbit = Sugar Glider
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Sagittarius + Horse = Dove
Sagittarius + Goat = Tortoise
Sagittarius + Monkey = Roadrunner
Sagittarius + Rooster = Swordfish
Sagittarius + Dog = Golden Retriever
Sagittarius + Pig = Camel
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