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The Skunk Spirit

Primal Astrology Collection < ---- The Skunk Spirit

Sagittarius + Rat = Skunk
The skunk animal species is dark and solitary when not breeding. They're not true hibernators, but they do den up for extended periods of time. Did you know that in the winter, multiple females huddle together; males often den alone? Even though they have excellent senses of smell and hearing, skunks have poor vision. Much like the animal species, Skunk Spirit individuals often
emit a defensive maneuver when they feel threatened.
Many of them possess an independent nature and prefer a wide range of territory to roam. As most Sagittarius do, Skunk Spirits live by their own philosophy and take their own paths to success in life. They are clever, witty, and tend to possess a dark sense of humor. The reality of things intrigues them greatly as they can find humor where others view situations as tragic. Many Skunk Spirits are observant, trust their instincts, and stick to their point of view. This could be looked at as selfish behavior yet they are at their best when concerned on helping others. Skunk Spirits should exercise this talent and be careful not to be too aggressive, greedy, and unwelcoming to new adventures.
At this point, we have discovered that boredom will drive a Skunk Spirit mad! In terms of career/profession, they should take on opportunities that promote excitement, high energy, and verbal expression. Skunk Spirits feel lifted in positions where they can forge their own creative path. They are great at giving advice and encouraging others to be independent within their own emotions. Many individuals with Sun in Sagittarius + Year of the Rat do well as lawyers, broadcasters, performers, psychologists, comedians, detectives, politicians, doctors, and counselors.
Skunk Spirits prefer not to be emotionally involved in their
pursuits to success, rather focus solely on the direction and financially stability of the company at whole.
When it comes to dating/romance/love, Skunk Spirits can appear a little funny as they do enjoy spending time alone. Once they allow themselves to open up to communication they are typically funny and interesting to speak with. They give pretty good advice and have a close group of friends. Keep in mind that they do make many acquaintances during their journey through life yet they don't get too attached to people nor situations. During their pursuit for romance, Skunk Spirits often seek out relationships that mesh well with their current situation in life. Friends often feel neglected as they are more concerned with their own code of conduct than with the feelings of others. Courtship can be difficult for many Skunk Spirits as they are not naturally sentimental, emotional, nor romantic. Many prefer to embrace a variety of life experiences before settling down which frustrates those interested in deeper commitments from them. It takes a strong individual who can impress this Sagittarius that they are worthy of them opening themselves up and become a bit vulnerable. Indeed, this breed of Sagittarius is upfront about what they do and don't want. Unfortunately, Skunk Spirits tend to break many hearts before
they finally reach that point where they feel conditioned and ready for a loyal commitment. Once this decision is made, these Sagittarius devote themselves to the success of their family
ties and aim to fulfill all promises made.
Famous Primal Skunks:
Skunk Spirits have the Sun Sign of Sagittarius and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rat.

Astrology Sun Sign (Western) + Chinese Zodiac Sign (Eastern) = Primal Animal Sign
Primal Astrology is the use of an "animal spirit", which uniquely inhabits everyone. Animal spirits represent our instinctive nature. These set of natural traits reveal instinctive courses that we each utilize as we encounter "life".
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Sagittarius + Rat = Skunk
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Sagittarius + Goat = Tortoise
Sagittarius + Monkey = Roadrunner
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