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The Panda Spirit
Primal Astrology Collection < ---- The Panda Spirit

Scorpio + Goat = Panda
The panda animal species is generally solitary and has a defined territory. The females are not tolerant of other females in their range and socialize with males briefly during the breeding season. Did you know that copulation time is short, ranging from 30 second to five minutes and afterwards the male leaves the female alone to raise the cub. Much like the animal species, Panda Spirits are contradictory by nature. These individuals are territorial but are constantly on the move, demanding yet shy away from confrontation, and popular but many prefer to be alone. Pandas are very ambitious, but at times experience anxiety due to uncertainty. They're creative and focus mainly on personal achievements. Many might feel as if Pandas are self-centered, but they actually function best by improving their own lives in order to improve their surroundings. At times, Pandas can be quite, obsessive, overly critical, and focused on success. Dear Panda, you must relax and find your rightful place in the world. Be careful not to shut yourself off from the necessary connections that allow you to thrive in life.
Pandas must establish a healthy inner relationship with themselves. There is a time to work and play and both are needed. Finding a comfortable career/profession will be a struggle for some Panda Spirits where as others will discover their calling at a young age. Taking a deeper look at other aspects in the natal chart can give Pandas a better feel for the energy they possess. These Sun in Scorpio individuals are really capable at becoming successful in any area of life. Roles/Jobs that involve acting, investigating, directing, editing, researching, presenting, collecting, and dealing with the unknown are ideal for Pandas.
In terms of romance/love, many Panda spirits typically keep only a handful of friends around and keep a polite distance from everyone else. They enjoy a strong, dedicated connection that began with friendship. Pandas are romantic and desire love and dedication. Learning to trust and reveal inner secrets will make connecting with the right partner difficult in youth. As they mature, Pandas gravitate towards people who are committed and know how to make them feel comfortable with self and more ambitious about life in general.
Famous Primal Pandas:
Pandas have the Sun Sign of Scorpio, and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Goat.

Astrology Sun Sign (Western) + Chinese Zodiac Sign (Eastern) = Primal Animal Sign
Primal Astrology is the use of an "animal spirit", which uniquely inhabits everyone. Animal spirits represent our instinctive nature. These set of natural traits reveal instinctive courses that we each utilize as we encounter "life".
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Scorpio + Horse = Dragonfly
Scorpio + Goat = Panda
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Scorpio + Rooster = Owl
Scorpio + Dog = Octopus
Scorpio + Pig = Squid

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