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The Jaguar Spirit

Primal Astrology Collection  < ----  The Jaguar Spirit

Scorpio  +  Dragon =  Jaguar


The jaguar animal species is known to mate through the year in the wild. Pairs separate after mating, and females provide all parenting. Female jaguars roar loudly to announce the success of fertility as well as leave their urinary scent to mark strict territory. Did you know that jaguar mothers do not tolerate the presence of males after the birth of their cubs, given the risk of infanticide? Much like the animal species, the Jaguar spirit individual is an apex predator and has a crucial role in maintaining the health of their communities and surrounding environments. Many Jaguar spirits obtain an attractive quality that is both powerful and influential to others. this sign are often solitary. They can possess a enormous amount of energy, and if they don’t use this energy in a positive manner it will build up inside of them and become lethal. Jaguars value their time greatly and often feel that time spent socializing or making small talk are a complete waste. Dear, Jaguar spirits, be careful not to sabotage yourself by allowing the fear of failure to arouse your emotions and get the best of you.


Many Jaguars thrive and shine in their careers/professions. Even though they are very skillful, many Jaguar spirits can be their own best friend and worst enemy. This sign of Scorpio individual is proud, brave, and focused on succeeding beyond all reasonable expectations. Careers chosen for status, authority, and money will be highly favored. Jaguar spirits are natural at leading others and work best on their own terms. Many Jaguars will know exactly what they want from life. Roles are not as important as the passion they feel for the work they do and the results they may achieve if the project is a success. This Sun in Scorpio - Jaguar spirit prefers work where they are either the boss or where they have the freedom to achieve their goals in the way that highlights their strengths, influences and their bravery.


Jaguars often have trouble creating their own happiness and socializing like a "normal" person. They prefer doing so through success, money, and authority rather than through relationships with other people. To be fully committed and loyal to a partner , Jaguar spirits would have to give up some independence and possibly some power, which is very hard for them to do. Dear Jaguar, you must learn to let go of control, use rational tones, and find happiness among others. Jaguar spirits need a partner who is not easily putt off by their emotional nature and tendency to be stubborn. This partner should also be able to assist Jaguars with communicating and empower them through their vulnerable moments. Intimacy can be gained through a patient, slow, persistent attitude.

Famous Primal Jaguars: 

Jaguars have the Sun Sign of Scorpio, and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Dragon.

Astrology Sun Sign (Western) + Chinese Zodiac Sign (Eastern) = Primal Animal Sign 


Primal Astrology is the use of an "animal spirit", which uniquely inhabits everyone. Animal spirits represent our instinctive nature. These set of natural traits reveal instinctive courses that we each utilize as we encounter "life". 

Check Out Other Scorpio Primal Signs ... 


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