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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
The adventure is about to begin! As you continue to explore the energy of Scorpio, I will serve as your guide; your personal Astrological Analyst. Together, we will discover new social, physical, and spiritual techniques to add to your collection of experiences. Sexual intimacy serves as a wonderful starting place. Accepting the natural hunter/huntress inside will unleash an erotic confidence that will strengthen your personal relationships.
Scorpios seldom have to persuade people to have sex. This sign exudes sexual energy and lovers yearn for the next opportunity to be swept away in pleasure. Despite their aggressive tendencies, Scorpio as a friend has the potential to be one of the most loyal, nurturing, intelligent, intuitive, and helpful friends you could ask for. This aids them in the process of being able to have multiple lovers, interests, and adventures - simultaneously. Scorpio ... the energy of your sign has earned a "reputation" that others expect you to uphold when it comes to sex. Many people discover taboo pleasures and release their inner desires when engaged with you. When you shed your ego and become totally involved with an individual, you share an uninhibited building of orgasms that uplifts your lover's soul and rejuvenates their body. Ahhh ... feels so good. Would you like to take a look at what level of energy you require in order to feel comfort and confidence?
Indeed most Scorpios are exceptional lovers. They have a reputation for being lustful, passionate, & highly sexual. With the combined forces of a strong sex drive & intense emotions, Scorpios often struggle with their own desires. They require a great deal of drama & excitement in their life, and often indulge in scenarios involving
power & control. Let the journey begin ...
Scorpio & Aries Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Taurus Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Gemini Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Cancer Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Leo Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Virgo Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Libra Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Scorpio Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Sagittarius Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Capricorn Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Aquarius Sexual Intimacy

Scorpio & Pisces Sexual Intimacy

Remember ... It's important to understand that the above info is only sun sign based. There are many other planet which can have a less or greater effect on an individual's personality and sexual intimacy. Everyone is unique! So to fully appreciate someone or to know how compatible you are, we would need to calculate and form a full report/compatibility chart. Erotic experiences are also available for your pleasure. To unlock the real power and essence of astrology, check out the reports and services offered by Madam Nove`. Specific information will be useful in revealing: how they view you, how to avoid arguments, how to turn them on, and what level of ecstasy suits you! Let's talk now!
- Madam Nove`
Erotic Journals
Hot & Steamy Of Course
Hot-tempered Scorpio can be the most insatiable lover among all zodiac signs. An interesting position to turn male Scorpios on would be to relax him on his back while you run your warm body up and down his. Merely stimulating his genitals and delivering exclusive kisses to his lips! Scorpios will have you wet and hard with just simply licking there lips in a seductive way! Ooo boy - your in trouble! If you totally give in to the male Scorpio's desires, he can just wear you out changing from oral stimulation to deep penetration. During sexual foreplay, Scorpios loves to bite and pinch ... analyzing your every move. This sign also loves to listen to your responses as they deliever intense satisfaction. It's up to you to ensure that Scorpio is comfortable and ready to open up to you. If you encounter a lazy Scorpio with pent up frustration, be ready for a lack luster performance.
Make sure to provide plenty of stimulating ideas, gestures, and mental intrigue. To truly experience a high level of exotic pleasure ... Sex can never be reduced to lust for Scorpio; making love is part healing, part baptism, part vow, part death, part revival - all in one. Enjoy!

Humble & Consistent

Alex and Ezio
By Black Behemot

Intimate Tip
Scorpio Females can offer you bondage play, restraining you to the bed and playing with a variety of devices. Be direct with your desires, they have extreme intentions! Once you are in their bed there is no way to escape from their "charms".

Humble & Consistent
Scorpio Intimacy
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