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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Taurus

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Sun/Moon Combinations:
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This combination of Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Taurus produces a kind andsofthearted individual who's judgments are often blocked by sympathy andsentimental feelings. You do possess a special charm and charisma that usuallywork to you advantage. Most people know that you have a serious demeanor andthey can feel your inherent dignity. This astro combination
is known to excel asentrepreneurs and business people even though deep down inside they wouldrather not worry about everyday matters. Many of you have the assumption thatyour needs will always be taking care of, and for some this is true! You areattracted to the aesthetic and artistic. You are
a natural dreamer. However, toofrequently your dreams are stagnant, because, as is the case with all Moon inTaurus individuals, you need security before you start any crusades.
The Sun in Sagittarius placement makes you a person of excellent insight and onewho thinks in wide conceptual terms. You have so many ambitious andimpressions, yet you really let it get you down when people are ugly or unkind.When the harsh realities of your environment become overwhelming, the Moon inTaurus placement, often substitute food for emotional satisfaction as well as love. This combination often puts too much faith in people. Material adventure andloyalty are important factors in your life which causes issues when otherscriticizeor put you down.
You don't mind being lead, but never pushed into doingor accepting
things. Most of your worries are in your head though, but remember you
will be admired no matter what path you choose. Your combination supportsthe the spiritual and visionary aspect of Sagittarius with the mature wisdom andservice of Taurus. Your compassion for people is boundless yet you must not haltyour missions just because others don't respond to you as you had hoped orexpected them to. In love you have intense willpower, and nothing comes betweenyou and the individual
you have your heart set on - even if that person doesn't feelquite the same way about you - yet! You are known to easily develop obsessions as
stability is a sensual aphrodisiac to this combination. You can be
highly romantic, intense, devoted, and impulsive. One must remember
that physical pleasure isconnected to emotions in a powerful way
for this Sun-Moon lover.
Astrological Inspirations: You will have an internal discontent if you
do not onoccasion act on your whims even if you are already materially prosperous. Securityis crucial to everybody, but do not let it be your exclusive pursuit in life. Make sureto trust that inner-knowing
you possess and express yourself without doubt!
Famous Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Taurus:

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