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"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
The Komodo Dragon Spirit

Primal Astrology Collection < ---- TheKomodo Dragon Spirit

Capricorn + Tiger = Komodo Dragon
Female komodo dragons are hostile and resist with their claws and
teeth during the early phases of courtship. Therefore, the male komodo dragon must fully restrain the female during sexual intercourse to avoid being hurt. Much like the animal species, the Komodo Dragon Spirit individual may become unpredictably aggressive, especially when their territory/space is invaded by
someone unfamiliar. These individuals feel they have little to no competition in life and take what they want when they want it. Personal success (career) is extremely important to the Komodo Dragon Spirit individual. They are hard workers and find themselvesinvolved in many projects. At times, Komodo Spirits develop moody periods due to their driven natures. It's hard for them to accept anything less than the best. Komodo Spirits do enjoy being around people, but should be careful of the words they use in expressing their passions.
In terms of career/profession, Komodo Dragon Spirits possess an extreme focus and dedication to their goals. Honestly, it's their main focus in life. Komodo Spirits have so much energy to release and evolve best in roles/jobs that fuel them mentally and financially. These individuals truly dislike being subordinates to anyone who doesn't work as hard as they do. So, yes, being in charge and calling the shots are key factors to the happiness one experiences as a Komodo Dragon Spirit. It's important that you do not allow your career to possess nor take over your life, dear Komodo Spirit. Choose entrepreneurial avenues that will allow you the freedom to perform, consult, and lead by example, but also allows you time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
When it comes to love/romance, the energies from Sun in Capricorn and the Year of the Tiger are rather contridicting. Intimate relationships often suffer from the lack of time given. Depending on other aspects of their natal chart, many Komodo Spirits can be affectionate, intense, and rewarding once they open up to it. Their attitudes can be moody and impatient one day, and optimistic and fun loving the next. Komodo Dragon Spirits who have established themselves and seeking true romance should learn to control their emotions and show what they have to contribute more often. Their confident and magnetic nature is truly a treat to experience once it is liberated and free to roam.
Famous Primal Komodo Dragons:
Komodo Dragons have the Sun Sign of Capricorn and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Tiger.

Astrology Sun Sign (Western) + Chinese Zodiac Sign (Eastern) = Primal Animal Sign
Primal Astrology is the use of an "animal spirit", which uniquely inhabits everyone. Animal spirits represent our instinctive nature. These set of natural traits reveal instinctive courses that we each utilize as we encounter "life".
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