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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Cancer & Aries Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Taurus Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Gemini Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Cancer Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Leo Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Virgo Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Libra Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Scorpio Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Sagittarius Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Capricorn Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Aquarius Sexual Intimacy

Cancer & Pisces Sexual Intimacy

Hot & Steamy Of Course
The Lotus sex position is a plus for Cancers. While they are sitting cross-legged, wrap your legs around their body. Cancers will began moving on beat with slow and strong thrusting motions. For Males, In this position they can caress your buttocks and breasts and have better access to feeling their partner completely. For females, definitely pay close attention to her breast for extreme arousal. Also, try oral petting. Cancers are not too shy to tell you all their fantasies and will fulfill your sexual dreams in return."Sex is where both partners should trust each other" - that is Cancer’s motto.
Fidelity is one of the cornerstones in Cancer's sexuality. If they are faithful to you in physical and emotional exchange, you really have a prize on your hand. To a Cancer, sex should be an expression of love and trust, not just a thing for personal enjoyment. To you, Cancer, sex is all about giving the partner pleasure, not just trying to get oneself satisfied. What you give is more important than what you get. Find mutual understanding and you will experience multiple orgasms with Cancer. He can be easily aroused by watching your excitement, simply enjoying your body!

Lotus Sex Position

Sex Tips
Both sexes enjoy oral and manual nipple stimulation as well as slight pinching.

Sex Lotus - Power Position

Lotus Sex Position
Cancer Intimacy
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Remember ... It's important to understand that the above info is only sun sign based. There are many other planet which can have a less or greater effect on an individual's personality and sexual intimacy. Everyone is unique! So to fully appreciate someone or to know how compatible you are, we would need to calculate and form a full report/compatibility chart. Erotic experiences are also available for your pleasure. To unlock the real power and essence of astrology, check out the reports and services offered by Madam Nove`. Specific information will be useful in revealing: how they view you, how to avoid arguments, how to turn them on, and what level of ecstasy suits you! Let's talk now!
- Madam Nove`
The adventure is about to begin! As you continue to explore the energy of Cancer, I will serve as your guide; your personal Astrological Analyst. Together, we will discover new social, physical, and spiritual techniques to add to your collection of experiences. Sexual intimacy serves as a wonderful starting place. Accepting the natural hunter/huntress inside will unleash an erotic confidence that will strengthen your personal relationships. Cancer's intuitive abilities make Cancer good for business, since it can feel out good and bad situations. But, above all, Cancer energy is led by its emotions. It is highly attached to the emotional roots of the "past"; very sensitive. Cancer's main purpose is to build a family and acquire domestic security. Would you like to take a look at what level of energy you require in order to feel comfort and confidence? Let the journey begin ...
Cancer enjoys living or setting a legacy to follow any actions they partake in. Their powerful nurturing nature draws many towards parenthood and family life. So don't be surprised if you are in a long-term relationship and they decide to give you a baby and/or get you pregnant. In fact it’s rare for Cancer souls not to want children, provided they can secure a stable, secure and loving home. Many Cancers are devoted to those they love and are capable of long lasting loyalty. At times, many are reluctant to break up an established relationship, especially a live-in one, no matter tough it gets. Keep in mind though, they rarely hesitate to step outside of the relationship for fulfillment and to secure a exit plan. Cancer souls naturally bestow cardinal energies making them headstrong, driven by leadership, and preferring to be first - in your life - well in everything. Go ahead and explore your sexual compatibility below ...
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