Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
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Relationship Services

Basically Numerology is the study of numbers and the impact they make on our lives. Everyone is born with a set of unique numbers that reveal truths about ourselves and the path we'll experience during this lifetime. Through your name and birth date, Numerology helps to empower and bring awareness to your personal strengths, challenges, opportunities and patterns. In this report we will venture into the known and the unknown cycles of your life; helping you to feel more secure and comfortable. More Details ...
Numerology Impact

This report will include a detailed analysis about individuality. It will focus on the core of your identity and highlight modes of behavior on a day to day basis. You will feel refreshed to know and truly understand the different aspects of your " inner and outer self" through your natal chart.
The Personal Empowerment report will examine and provide insight from your Midheaven sign and position. This is located on the Tenth House cusp of your natal chart showing the public image. The opposite house, which is the Fourth House, is the private image that represents what you really think of yourself. More Details ...
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Personal Empowerment

Share your concern with me
and get a precise reply with forecasts, guidance and therapeutic
solutions. Implement this resolution report and experience your spirtual release now.
Spiritual Release

This report will include a detailed analysis that will outline your sexual intimacy factor. It will focus on your desire and physical drive towards sex, communication, and receptivity. It will describe your ability to ask for what you want and prepare you for the actions of the person you desire. You will feel more open and direct in your approach and enjoy the experience with pride as we take a look at your Venus placement, which rules our values and sense of appreciation. More Details ...
Sexual Profile