Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Hot & Steamy Of Course
Pisces are charming by nature, so getting you into bed is no test. The test comes from being able to capture your mind and soul at the point of orgasm! Their intuition prompts them in finding their partners most sensitive parts. For many female Pisces, the spooning sex position is highly favored. Hold her extremely close and slowly stroke her stresses away. Take her on a passionate sexual journey in order to uplift her spirit. Make sure you that she can enjoy every detail of the experience. All Pisces enjoy their personal pleasure time and often refer back to previous experiences to hightened the orgasm. Will your performance stand the test of time?!? Not only does Pisces need to feel emotionally secure, but physically liberated as well. Unless you truly yearn for a higher connection through sex, please don't waste Pisces time with uncertainty. Bring your "A-game" each and every time.
Pisces males enjoy penetrating their lovers from behind, on the side, on top, upside down, etc. He is looking for a "particular" connection, not a familiar one. Right when you feel relaxed by their lazy, gentle lovemaking, a Pisces male will begin to physically orchestrate your body into positions of pleasure unimaginable. Mature Pisces invividuals are confident and giving, willing to grow sexually with you. Pisces will stroke your body, and whisper delicate words, revealing to you all that they are made of. The sky is the limit and beyond.


By Dnomaid

By Liquid Mermaid

Pisces Intimacy
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