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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
< << Individual Services - Personal Empowerment Report

Price: $30
Selection Includes:
Detailed astrology report via email
Key numerology aspects to empower you
25 minute voice/video consult (add. charge)
Empowering Affirmation Reading (4 cards)
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Personal Empowerment
It's all about you! This report will include a detailed analysis about individuality. It will focus on the core of your identity and highlight modes of behavior on a day to day basis. You will feel refreshed to know and truly understand the different aspects of your " inner and outer self" through your natal chart. This report will examine and provide insight from your full natal chart yet focus on your Midheaven sign and position. This is located on the Tenth House cusp of your natal chart showing the public image. The opposite house, which is the Fourth House, is the private image that represents what you really think of yourself. It will enhance your sense of self and your spiritual gifts.
Example: Leo on the 10th House cusp (Midheaven), Aquarius on the 4th House cusp, and Leo on the 10th House cusp will give people the image that you are entertaining, creative, self-confident, dramatic, and extroverted. However, with Aquarius on the 4th House cusp, you view yourself unusual, reclusive, and detached. Aquarius is friendly just as Leo is, but only when the mood permits. Leo is the "party person," and Aquarius is "the loner."
This report will empower your personal spirit and serve as the stepping stone to embracing your true personality.
- Madam Nove`
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