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Intimate Galore
"Empowering Souls Through Comfort & Confidence"
Hot & Steamy Of Course
Aquarius individuals have a distant, dreamy look in their eyes that will surely heat up any room! Engage into their arena of romance by enhancing more and more each time you kiss. Want to get lost on a real intellectual adventure? Mature Aquarius energy will take kissing to a whole new level of perfection. They can quickly take you away with foreplay, achieving orgasm with or without penetration! As you gradually become moist or erect, their actions become even more ingenious! If Aquarius feels "free" then the sky is the limit to what you can acheive through sexual compatibility.
Many Aquarius love to experiment, so boredom
is not a factor when dealing with this sign! Again intellectual stimulation is key! They are usually pretty talented with their hands ... and those tongue tricks ... Ahhh ... Aquarius individuals enjoy eccentric, kinky sex. Anything goes with Aquarius, they like spontaneous encounters and quickies on occassion.

By Sygnin

By Sygnin
Aquarius Intimacy
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