Welcoming You To The Taurus Season ...

Art: Musical Taurus by Devon aka Dvnmyls
Spiritual Goal: To learn the value of insight Identifying Phrase: "I HAVE, therefore I AM”
The energy of Taurus is focused on comfort, beauty, harmony, and most importantly security! Actually, their planetary ruler, Venus, instills a gift for making "others" feel secure. Taurus individuals tend to be good providers, but will often neglect their own personal development while providing for their family.
There is a natural artistic/musical ability that lies latent within their character - a talent that parents of Taurus individuals need to encourage into full expression during their childhood. Otherwise, Taurus will struggle with expressing themselves later in life. The energy of Taurus rules the music sector; as you will find that they often possess an ability to sing, perform, and/or play instruments. As a guardian or friend, encourage them to meditate and release through
these declarative forms more often.
Wishing All Taurus A Wonderful Celebration During Their Season!