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Hello there, Taurus Season 2017!

Indeed I welcome all of you. The identity and ego of Sun in Aries has shifted into the determined essence of Sun in Taurus on this glorious day. Many of us have embraced fresh approaches, new adventures, eccentric journeys, and/or began intriguing relationships during the fiery Aries Season. Now as we embark on a new grounded purpose during the Taurus Season, we gain a more stable, direct stature. Wishing as well as granting you a glorious expedition!

Many energies within the Taurus Season will heighten your sensitivity and ability to read people and situations. This is an ideal time to express your humble, sensitive side by serving others. This will boost your self-esteem, personal satisfaction & allow you to embrace a shared understanding that may be non-verbal. Your intuitive abilities will be enhanced on many levels with greater empathy and receptivity. This earthy season brings motivation and strength. It exposes you to a few moments of low quality experiences yet it’s up to you to make the most of any opportunities and vibrate higher. It's all of to you on how you will accentuate and dominate fresh approaches.

Good luck! :-D

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