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Welcome Virgo Season 2024

Many felt and experienced the spotlight energy of the Leo Season that truly projected a more authentic drive within your day-to-day lives. Now as we

continue forward on this journey towards personal achievement, the

Virgo Season encourages humility and dedication in your "work".

Welcome Virgo Season 2024
Virgo Season

What are your priorities here in the current moment?!? The Virgo Season is associated with the harvest and highlights the value of discernment. The key to this energy is being able to select the right social circle(s), knowing when to recharge, and determining who/what is useful from what is not.

As you navigate from the Leo Season's yang, fixed, fire energy ... embrace

the yin, mutable, earth essence of the Virgo Season with flare. Take responsibility

and organize your daily life with strong commitments in the

form that benefits you most. 

Best Of Luck ~ Madam Nove` ~

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