Welcome Scorpio Season 2020
Updated: Oct 26, 2020
Whew what a ride Libra Season had us on! We proudly welcome the Scorpio Season 2020 as now is the time to DECIDE. The energy of this season is represented by a fixed mode but provides many levels of transformation. The scorpion cycle is emotional yet has the power to shed its skin. The eagle cycle is intellectual yet has the power to zoom in on what it desires. The phoenix cycle ruled heavily by the energies of Pluto promote a high level of creativity and DISCOVERY.

The Scorpio Season begins on October 22nd or 23rd and thrives until November 22nd, depending on your time zone. It is during this time that all of us, no matter our sign, are able to tune in to the powers of reconciliation and transformation. Indeed we all possess the power to remodel ourselves at any given moment, but under the power of the Scorpio Sun, we are encouraged and supported even more. Internal and external relationships will be evaluated during the Scorpio Season. Many of us will find ourselves questioning what and whom is better to truly align our inhibitions with.
The cosmic energy around this Blue Moon in Taurus is challenging. Past tensions from the last few months begin to unravel, which present opportunities to release - - - LET GO. Around November 8th, we will find ourselves more focused on romantic endeavors. Is this really who YOU want to be ... be with ... love ... hmm ... desire? The energy of Juno will be in a conjunction with the Sun. Both are in the sign of Scorpio, so of course the vibes will be intense, strategic, and PASSIONATE. Take care of your body and avoid intimate encounters that aim to control you. November 11th (11/11) is definitely a magical day for all to capitalize on; especially around those sequence of times (11:11 am/pm)! Mystical energy is associated with 1111. It is a powerful divine number that allows you to vibe high in frequencies that connect with your spiritual guides & beyond. Use this energy to set intentions, grow with confidence, and remove anything that does not serve you.
The rest of the Scorpio Season will continue to bring things to the light and force you to evaluate. No need to fret, as this is also the Hunter's time - GAME ON!
Best Of Luck ~ Madam Nove` ~
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