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Welcome Libra Season 2020

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

As we say "see ya later" to the Virgo Season, we proudly welcome the Libra Season 2020. Time to move away from being so detailed and focused in our worldly approach and embrace a more pleasurable and balanced way of harmonizing with life.

The Libra Season promotes many of us to be leadership-driven, creative, judicious, and even quite entitled when initiating business and romantic gestures. When it comes to those with the Libra Sun energy, many of their endeavors will be focused on relationships and beauty on all sectors of their life.

As the Equinox energy flows through the Libra Season, many harsh realities will appear due to the upcoming Mars & Mercury retrograde along with the way your natal energies align! Make sure you meditate and eat healthy in order to process change, rethink aggressions, and rework planned outcomes. Take deep breaths as you review ways in which you can progressively use your energy!!!

Best Of Luck ~ Madam Nove` ~

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1 comentario

02 oct 2020

I need to find my husband this season

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