Aloha Aquarius Season 2017!

Hi All. Indeed we have entered a season that will be unpredictable as we will experience unexpected actions/reactions on a more intense level. The Aquarius Season will be a period of outward expressions of our ideas and thoughts as many will embrace new social events. Many of us will choose NOT to conform to society's expectations and will make our presence known by rebelling against the "system". Remember though, the energy of the Aquarius Season is all about opposing/defying for a larger, collective purpose - basically rebels with a cause! It definitely is a time to allow your revolutionary spirit to evolve and ignite movements that will change the stats quo on a larger scale other than just for your own merit. Cutting edge technology, social reforms, eccentric relationships, extreme networking, and connecting with collaborative partners will be the highlights of your cosmic journey through the season.
Good luck to you all. Astro Love ~ Madam Nove` ~
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