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Intimacy Renewed 2017

Madam Nove`

During the Universal 9 Year (2016), many of you put in a lot of hard work cultivating a healthy & vital space for your intimate desires and relationships to flourish. Hopefully you planted positive and righteous seeds and removed any beliefs, obstacles, and bad habits that inhibit those seeds from sprouting. Now that 2017, Universal 1 Year, is here, you begin to visualize and orchestrate the aura of your energy in 9 years time. The seed is small, it doesn't look like much, but you have a big vision, a passionate unwavering heart that believes there is a grand & magnificent tree hidden within this seed. The Universal energy of a 1 year cycle is a favorable time to initiate the personal changes you have been thinking about making for a long time. For instance if you want to move, have children, get married, divorce, and definitely encountering new romance(s), the aura of 2017 supports those "beginnings". BELIEVE & ACHIEVE.

Know what REALLY matters, as the planting of your seed(s) isn't just about the end result i.e. the creation of a fruiting tree. Embrace your wisdom and experiences enough to know, that when you plant cosmic seeds and pour your energy, love & nurturing into that seedling over the following 9 years you will experience the beauty of LIFE itself.

It's important to know that it never really was about the completion of a tree or how many rewards come along, it is always about the 9 year experience of being a rich

part of the blossoming of the seed.

Are you truly opening your heart to love? Are you compassionate? Kind? Do you bring joy? Are you giving genuine service? All that matters is if you are living a full and rich life as a productive Soul within a human body during this realm of life. Your connections and relationship will be a direct reflection of the energy you project as well as the character you exercise in public and behind closed doors.

Indeed I hope you are able to identify and capitalize on the

vibrations that the year offers. Go ahead and schedule your intimate consult in order to embrace the effects of your personal year number in regards to the vibrations of 2017 - Universally projecting the "1 Year Cycle" energy.

Happy Gregorian New Year To All.

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