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The Sun & Mercury Powers thru Virgo

As many of you know, retrograde cycles are extreme periods to capitalize on and also to seriously evaluate. Hopefully you have had the chance to read and embrace the energies of the current Virgo Season through Madam Nove` Intrigue Newsletter entitled "Renegotiating The Harvest".

Here's an important passage from the offering:

Mercury goes retrograde August 30th thru September 22nd. Two fortunate planets, Venus and Jupiter, bring a loving, generous vibe during this three week period. #Communication mishaps are minimal as this retrograde energy seeks to bring new romance and connections. Many of you will be more confident as you take on business deals, travel, and expand your education.Don't let all the doom and gloom from the world get you down during the solar eclipse on September 1st. Indeed it is necessary to experience as this energy marks the "beginning of the end" to unwarranted worry and fear. This eclipse helps you to transition to a brighter and healthier way of exercising thoughts with action. Free yourself of fear, guilt and worry as you get back to the basics. The new start and goals represented by this solar eclipse should be simple, practical, and spiritually defensive.

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