Personal Vibes: Third Decan Gemini (June 11 – June 20)

"The Ultimate Opportunist"
THIRD DECANATE GEMINI, born in the middle of June, enjoy initiating topics for conversation and are quite restless. Many of them have a hard time concentrating and often jump from this to that rather quickly. Mercury stands as the ruler of Gemini, while Uranus is the sub-ruler of the third decanate Gemini individual. Gemini-Aquarius energy will always be in the forefront of their culture. They are known for their original point of view and other people often seek their advice. These Geminis are the ultimate opportunist. Their primary drive is to go beyond limitations imposed by society and nature. Third decan Geminis are most happy when their on the move/active: testing, probing, tasting and exploring the most interesting things life has to offer.
Life is never dull with a Third decan Gemini around. Insightful about the needs of those around them, they possess an undeniable tendency to please others through charm. Third decan Geminis are ranked as the most independent of all Gemini personalities. No one can influence them in their decisions, and they have the supreme gift of persuasion. They know how to get their way with people and capture the hearts of many. Intimately, third decan Geminis are best with partners who will understand their need to strike out on their own, and will not try to bind them in any way. They can be faithful, however, their partner should only make few demands on their fidelity and give them room to breathe. Attempts to hold third decan Geminis to strict obligations and a formal routine are usually doomed to failure. It's important to give them time to bloom and experience the various levels to their personality. Many of their intentions are good and most of these Gemini souls enjoy sharing the fruits of their labor. Meaning that they also love to expand your knowledge and experiences along their personal journey.