Personal Vibes: Second Decan Gemini (June 1 – June 10)

"The Effective Speaker"
SECOND DECANATE GEMINI, born in the beginning of June, thrive off of making conversation, being with like-minded individuals, and enjoying life. It is their nature to keep their environment in proper order at all times. Mercury stands as the ruler while Venus is the sub-ruler of Geminis born in the second decanate. Therefore Gemini-Libra individuals are rather skillful and effective when they speak. It stems from the energetic flow of Mercury combined with the soothing, sensual energy of Venus. This mixture usually keeps second decanate Geminis active and mentally healthy.
Gemini-Libra individuals are lucky to others and the luck seems to follow them wherever they go. It's rather cool how Mercury strives on change and Venus works to establish equilibrium within these Geminis. Many of them are artful in their judgments and exude plenty a sense of affection for those they do judge. Intimate encounters and relationships are extremely important and may either make or break a second decan Gemini's life. It's important for these individuals to careful select companions/associates. They should avoid rushing into a situation until they are confident that it will be beneficial to their current lifestyle as well as to their goals. One must satisfy and continuously feed a second decanate Gemini's curiosity. They insist upon harmony and good taste in general. Most of the time you will find that their disposition is positive and friendly, but remember that they will always stand up for their ideals. You will even find that many of these Gemini individuals are musically talented as their voices are unique. There is a sense of adventure in their outlook on life, and they enjoy traveling as it exposes them to new experiences. Once they have made up their mind about a pursuit, they eagerly give it their best effort!
Compatible partners will care passionately about what their Gemini has to say and is interested in devoting time to listen. Healthy doses of affection provide an easy, nonverbal form of communication, making second decan Geminis feel appreciated, loved and reinforces their need to share. Indeed these individuals are very skilled with their hands; no disappoints once they get a hold of you! Typically, they are drawn to quiet, reserved people. The unexplored and the dark side of life secretly fascinates these Geminis. They truly thrive once they discover and connect with a person that will ground, refine and consistently grow "with" them.