Libra/Scorpio Cusp Individuals
Date: October 19 to October 25 Season: Mid Winter Element: Air & Water Energy Rulers: Venus, Mars & Pluto

Even though at times, Libra/Scorpio may mistrust their intuitive nature, once they commit to a course of action, they will most likely see it through to completion. They often take a great deal of criticism to prove their big personalities and ideals right or wrong. Definitely attractive and charming, these souls experience internal conflicts when it comes down to being intellectually and emotionally sound. The key is learning to relax and enjoy life as it comes. No need to avoid unusual experiences as it only strengthens their being. Abstract reasoning guides them smoothly through most social situations. Even though they can come across bossy or sarcastic at times, they make loyal friends and yearn for solitude within personal relationships.
Libra/Scorpio individuals do have trouble when it comes to letting go and are astrologically known as the cusp of "drama & criticism". They are competitive, independent, sly, stubborn, self-indulgent, ambitious, intense, and volatile. One magnetic factor about Libra/Scorpio is their strong sense of sexuality. They want everything to be perfect and work hard in order to see things through to the end. These individuals are sexual athletes who enjoy conquering any quest before them. Yes o' yes, you do have to watch for their vindictive nature indeed and their tendency to hold on to grudges for lengthy periods. It is very important that they adapt forms of meditating and positive outlets of expression. In spite of any disapprovals and impulsiveness, encourage them to neutralize their tendencies and embrace the future. Help Libra/Scorpio to manifest their happiness, escape "old" mind-sets and submit to the forces that elevate their life overall.