Yes It Has Arrived!

~ Scorpio Season ~
For ALL ... The season brings about an energy that seems to transform you on every level. It provides you with the opportunity to create magic based on how intense you pursue your visions. This murky, mysterious water must be fully understood as well as explored. One key element to digest is the vital life force that the energy of Scorpio ignites. It influences the turning point both in the life of humanity as well as the life of the individual human being. We venture into the underworld during this season and face the demons of our dark inner world that seems to hide within our psyches. By creating the journey, staying with the quest of self-discovery and eventually, mastery, comes the transformational aspect of the energy of the Scorpio Season. It is also a time where you seek to fullfil the desires of others as you share your harvest with others. Honestly speaking ... what you will find beneath the "initial" darkness is a beautiful shining light that is just waiting to be uncovered. Ultimately, the final death is attained ... the death of the personality, with all of its selfish desires and concerns, now you feel elevated and transform into a selfless attainment of higher consciousness. I hope you all enjoy and celebrate to the fullest.